1. Jump into Fun

Affirmation: “I seek fun and embrace it! I am present to the many enjoyable experiences in my life. I have the courage to
push the envelope of fun and infuse my life with happiness.”

Part of feeling joyful is having fun. Never underestimate the power of a burst of enjoyment and laughter to ignite authentic feelings of happiness. Experiences of fun are cornerstones of blissful living. Make a commitment to jump into fun today, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Really hold to a promise of having fun.

If you prize fun and make it a priority, you will elevate your mood. You’ll feel better about life in general, and your outlook specifically will be a little bit more positive. Every day will be a pinch sweeter with the delightful sweet addition of fun.

Fun can actually improve your health. Good feelings happen when you experience something relaxing, contentment inspiring, or exciting. When you feel good, your body gets a nice burst of happiness chemicals. They keep your brain and being tuned up and turned up. Enthusiasm for life results.

According to Christopher Bergland in an online article for Psychology Today, these are some of the major happiness chemicals and their functions:

Dopamine: We can release more dopamine by setting goals and achieving them. It is known as the “reward molecule.” So if you aim to go to dance class twice this week and notice that you achieved your goal, dopamine may result!

Serotonin: When we have higher serotonin levels, we are less sensitive to rejection. Because we feel less sensitive to rejection, we take more emotional risks and put ourselves out there more. As a result, we might get more positive reinforcement that builds our self-esteem. To increase serotonin, set up situations that have meaning for you in which you can put yourself out there more and feel a sense of meaningful accomplishment.

Endorphins: These molecules are released during vigorous physical exertion and sex. Acupuncture has also been shown to increase endorphin levels. So get moving, get busy, or get acupuncture to feel the effects of these analgesic chemicals.

Oxytocin: This molecule is released by cuddling! It encourages and rewards bonding, whether with a romantic partner, pet, friend, or family member. Bergland explains that forming meaningful, close relationships and engaging especially in snuggling and physical closeness are things that will flood you with oxytocin.

Because your mental state has such a huge bearing on how you view your life, experiences of fun help you appreciate what a great life you do have, no matter the bumps and challenges.

Exercise: Daily Fun

In order to optimize your brain’s chemistry toward joy, you need to make time for things that release the chemicals listed above. If you commit to your enjoyment and pleasure, you will find yourself feeling better. Make time for at least five minutes of fun today and every day. Cheers to your happiness!

Here are some ideas to have fun that take five minutes or less: Put on your favorite song and have a two-minute dance party. Bonus points if you sing along, loudly! Grab some markers and a piece of paper and draw something that makes you happy, maybe a unicorn, a fairy, a classic car, or a gnome. Add some doodles, and the more whimsical the better. Go outside and find a spot to do five power jumps. That means jump as far as you can! Grab your phone and imitate one of your favorite characters from a comedy. Text the video to a friend who likes the movie too. Do a quick cannonball in the local pool and make sure you yell, “Cannonball!”

So head outside, crank some music, run around, get busy, and jump into fun. If you have to, fake it till you make it. Enthusiasm for life will draw more enjoyment to you and make your life sweeter and lighter. Make the effort to find fun today!

Having fun is good for your health!
