16. Cheerful Vibrations

Affirmation: “I vibrate with cheer and delight in my cells.
I let beauty heal me!”

You know those moments when life feels shiny and new? When everything sparkles? That is when you are vibrating with beauty. Everything has a vibration, from the rock to the plant to the pan you cooked your breakfast in. Vibration is simply how quickly the subatomic particles around you are moving. Emotions have a vibration. Experiences have a vibration.

The vibration of bliss is very similar to the vibration of beauty. And like fine wines and cheeses, they complement and enhance one another. By feeling the vibrations of beauty and bliss, you can find peace, contentment, and happiness and enjoy your life.

Colors have moods to them, don’t you think? Do you like certain colors more than others? It is the color’s vibration to which you are responding. A vibrant yellow makes you feel awake, alive, and happy. A deep purple incites feelings of originality, an active mind, and strong points of view. A sky blue relaxes you and inspires tranquility. A good way to think of it is that the colors inspire feelings in you that are similar to their vibrations, and certain people gravitate to certain vibrations.

If you choose to strive for happiness, bliss, joy, and positivity, your vibration will follow, and you will feel more engaged with life, vitality, and health. There are myriad flavors of healthy vibration. For some, the experience of splashing with a lively group in a crystal sea is the ultimate in positive vibration. For others, the most pleasurable type of vibration is a solitary walk through a moon-washed field of violets. These are very different but equally positive.

The experience of noticing and appreciating beauty has a special and positive vibration. It’s a bliss builder!

Exercise: Uplifting Vibrations

When I first arrived on Maui in 2003 and drove my rental car out of the airport, I was surrounded on almost all sides by the majestic, verdant West Maui Mountains. The emerald-color vegetation was so vibrant. I crested a hill and saw the ocean glinting in the sun. Of course, I was struck by the loveliness all around me. And every day I try to see all of the gorgeous blessings that surround me, whether in a niece’s laugh or a crescent moon. There is always something available in my life to uplift the heart and spirit, and I bet there is in yours too.

Go somewhere pleasant nearby, such as a park, a beach, an art museum, your backyard, or whatever place you find uplifting. Take it in visually, hear the sounds, notice what you smell, and focus on what you physically experience and emotionally feel. Partake of that bounty. What strikes you about it? The wind on your face, the arrangement of shapes in a painting?

Open yourself to the experience of beauty. Notice it. Where in your body do you feel it? Does it pulse, tingle, or warm you there? If there was a feeling associated with it, what would it be? Where in your body do you feel the feeling? Completely open yourself to the joy of this beauty. Let it get huge. Let it overwhelm you with bliss and joy. Feel it. Embrace it. Experience the vibrations.

The places in your body where you feel the beauty are places that are especially attuned to the vibration. You can bring your attention there when you want to appreciate the beauty of the moment.

Experiencing beauty makes life more vibrant and worth living. Try it and open yourself to it completely. Let the vastness engulf you, and realize you are a part of a radiant, beautiful universe.

Delight and cheer in life, and let it uplift and inspire you.
Spread happiness.
