Affirmation: “I am grateful to be alive.”
You’ve heard the saying every day is a gift, right? Although sometimes it might not feel like it, it’s true. To be alive is a rich, poignant, complex, and blissful offering from life. Imagine that Earth is actually a super popular private school for souls to come and have an amazing sensory experience. It’d be like a person getting to go to a luxury acrobatic school if they’d really wanted to experience the highest trapeze for years. As a soul, coming to Earth is a great privilege. Envision a line out the door waiting for a chance to come to this school. Imagine it has the all-time best extracurricular activities, like sensory experiences, emotions, caring, and the power of love. Life is a gift of bliss, and you can open yourself to feeling the bliss of living every day. You can make the most of your time here.
Finding gratitude for being alive gives your life more significance, more meaning. Your life does mean something. It has meaning to the many whose lives you touch and to the universe of light and energy. You matter.
By giving of yourself you can share more of your goodness. Your caring matters. You may never know how much. The stranger you helped may have turned a positive corner because of your involvement. The friend who you made time for might end up having a more positive day because you cared. You can make a difference for another person, animal, or plant.
You can also make a major difference for yourself by treating yourself like you are a gift. Because you are. You are a gift. You matter. You are lovable. Embrace yourself and your life and be grateful for who you are, where you are, and where you’ve been. It made you the amazing person you are today.
Exercise: Thanking Life
How can you express your gratitude for life? One way is to craft a letter to life. Thank life for your existence. Thank life for specific things. Challenge yourself to be only positive in this letter. Only use affirmative statements. Try “Thank you, life, for my dance experiences,” instead of “Thanks, life, for not making me play football so I could dance instead.” Keep it positive.
We magnetize ourselves to more of that for which we express gratitude. Gratefulness attracts abundance. Thankfulness draws blessings. So thank life with your heart open. Accept thanks in your life, and honor what a gift your life is, has been, and will be. Life is truly a gift!
You are a gift to life. Share your bounty.