2. Living Joy

Affirmation: “I am made of joy! I am joy!
My vibration is constantly raising, and I feel good!”

Joy can literally heal. After fifteen years as a medical intuitive, I have worked with thousands of people on healing body, mind, heart, and soul. This experience has led me to believe that joy is the highest vibration in the known universe. Joy is powerful. If you source your life from it, you will raise your vibration, raise the vibration of all you encounter, and have a blast by just being you. Joy is the magical elixir that opens the door to blissful living. Joy can heal. It can teach. It can humble us with its profoundness and show us that the world is really a benevolent place. Choosing to live joy is the best choice you will ever make. Start now by healing your body with the power of joy. Feel it and notice the change within you afterwards.

Exercise: Joy Can Heal

I have used this exercise with my medical intuitive clients for the past eight years, and they have experienced major results. Best-selling author Dr. Laurie Nadel even wrote an article for a magazine about how she felt that using this process helped her dissolve growths in her reproductive tract.

This exercise will teach you how to have a joy party in order to heal your body using the power of joy. The reason we call this a “joy party” is that we need a really high, super positive vibration to move the energy in your body. Imagine how quickly joy vibrates. It’s electric! It can shake loose density in your energy body and in your mind. When you do something a little out of the box, like this activity, with a powerful intention to heal and raise your vibration, miracles can happen. Sometimes the most major healing isn’t about tears and hard work; it can be about allowing, releasing, and relaxing into the benevolent, self-regulating, self-correcting power of joy.

Choose a part of your physical body you feel could use some healing. If you are feeling perfectly healthy, awesome! Then choose a part of your body you would like to give an extra blissful boost of joy. Visualize a ball of golden light before you. Say the word “yes” aloud to this ball three times, and tell the ball it is “joy” three times—literally say to this ball, “You are joy.” Ask this ball to expand and encompass the entire room you are in and then the entire building and the area outside. You can do this wherever you are, even in the local juice bar. Place your attention on the area that you have selected for healing. Call forth ultimate power by saying aloud, “I call forth all of the magnetic resonance particles in the universe that love joy! Woohoo! I am about to throw the best joy party you have ever seen. Please help me. Join the party in my (area selected). Everyone meet there in five, four, three, two, one second!” Clap your hands together vigorously three times. (This creates a paradigm shift, which is a change at the most fundamental level in your body.) Visualize and feel the entirety of the joy ball condense into the selected area with a whoosh. Sing the most joyful songs, sounds, and tones. Maybe you are humming or singing a song you know, or perhaps you just want to make tonal sounds. Allow these to spontaneously bubble out of you. If that isn’t quite happening, then fake it till you make it. Engaging your body with sound is another way you are shaking loose dense energy and making more space for the joy energy to fill you. When you add more joy energy, I believe you raise the vibration of your cells, tissue, and body.

When you have sung and toned your heart out (you are the entertainment for the joy party!) then wind it down a bit vocally, but keep the joyful feeling and let it become a peaceful joy. Feel the particles inside of you begin to sway in unison, as if they are holding hands by candlelight in peaceful communion, humming for peace, honoring joy. Lie down for at least ten minutes and feel yourself in the center of a multitiered circle of the humming, swaying particles. Drift off to sleep if you can.

You will feel when the party is complete. The joy and healing will remain for all time. Use this process as often as you would like, and allow the rest period after for the best results.

Joy is the highest vibration in the known universe.
