21. Grounding into Gaia

Affirmation: “I thank Gaia for her support with great love.
I accept and receive the earth’
s sustenance.

Gaia is another name for the earth. She is a loving, helpful, benevolent part of our everyday lives. We exist on the surface of her body. The more we are connected to the earth the better we feel.

The term “grounding” refers to how present someone is in their physical body and how connected they are to the earth below their feet. The more grounded and connected to the Earth you are, the better you will feel physically and emotionally. When feeling well grounded, your mind feels clearer and less cluttered, and you view your life as manageable and positive. When you are not feeling well grounded, it is harder to concentrate, and you might feel spacey and not present to the moment. You can imagine how much feeling grounded and present will enhance your life.

Grounding is enhanced by being outside and being in physical contact with the earth. Try gardening, walking on the beach with bare feet, hiking through the woods, raking leaves, shoveling snow, resting under a tree and taking a nap, or breathing in the cool morning air on the porch before starting the day. Get yourself outside and eat foods that are healthful, like plants that are raw or lightly cooked (nuts, brown rice, grains, etc.). Drink lots of water—all drinking water has been inside the earth at some point—and get plenty of exercise. Taking slow, deep, cleansing breaths also helps you feel more present and grounded.

Learn to monitor how grounded you are at any given moment. Provide ways for you to get recentered and connected to the earth.

Exercise: Grounding for Health

Use the following meditation process frequently to help you get in touch with the energetic roots that tether you to the planet, nourish you, and sustain you. Read this aloud to yourself, or record it and play it back if that will be easier for you. Sit or lie down for this exercise. You may do this indoors or outdoors in a safe, quiet space to relax and experience.

Place your attention on the bottoms of your feet.

Feel and imagine roots growing out of each foot and out of your tailbone; send them into the earth. They may combine into one large root or remain two or three separate roots. All of these variations are fine, and you do not have to know which one is happening right now.

Feel these roots growing deeper and deeper through soil and dirt, through the matrix of rock and stone beneath you, and through aquifers full of water. Continue growing your roots down through the mantle of the planet. Finally, grow them into the core of the earth; feel them sucked into the inner core of the planet.

Held. Stable. Strong. Rooted. Feel the energy and vibration of the earth flowing up your roots and into your feet, through your tailbone, and up through your body. Feel it pulsing within you.

Hear the inner heartbeat of the planet. Hear it beating like a gentle drum. It is the pulse of the earth from beneath you. Merge with this interdimensional sound. Experience deep communion with the earth. Feel her love for you expand into each cell in your body.

All is right with you and Mother Earth. She has infinite strength and shares this wellspring of stability and strength with you, one of her children, for the earth is mother to every living thing on the planet. Thank the earth for this huge gift.

Allow your awareness to come back into the room or area in which you are sitting or lying. Feel whatever your body is touching—the chair, the bed, the ground. Wiggle your toes and fingers.

With your awareness fully in the moment and eyes open, feel your roots pulsing below you. Maintain this awareness for as long as you are able. Walk around still feeling your roots. Place your attention on the bottoms of your feet. Experience what it feels like to be fully present and grounded in the moment, in the now.

My roots are firmly planted in the glory of nature.
The soil beneath my feet heartens each step.
