Affirmation: “I surround myself with bliss.
My home is a blissful oasis that nourishes me and brings me joy.”
You can design a life of bliss. One way is to create an environment that evokes bliss in your home. In order to do so, it’s your job to define what bliss means for you. Is it joy? Is it happiness? Is it peace? Is it contentment? Is it spiritual ecstasy? Heart connection? Pure fun?
Exercise: Create a Joyful Home
Reflect on what equals a joyful life for you. Think about all the things you’ve done in this book so far that have helped you to define bliss, and then list five things that evoke bliss for you. One might be a feeling of joy. It might be a place or a type of landscape. It could be the experience of connecting with your archangels. It can be absolutely anything you want.
Really feel and think about your list. Ponder each item on the list and imagine. Think about what joy really means for you. What five essential ingredients make a joyful life? Write those down—it’s important information!
Read over the ingredients list and then start with the first one. If you had to pick any color to symbolize it, what would it be? Go down the list and do the same thing for the other four items. What color matches the feeling and experience you had written for each? For example, maybe you have an item on your list like snuggling with your family. When you think of the feeling of the experience, perhaps it might remind you of a soft, gentle rose color. See if any of your colors are the same for your five items or if they are close in hue.
Get swatches of these colors together. You can find lots of wonderful color swatch websites online or paint sections at hardware stores. Put your five colors next to one another to make a joyful palette. How do they look together? You can tweak the shades if you’d like, so that the palette looks harmonious to you.
Now look at your home. Do you already have these colors in your home? If you do not, work on how you can decorate your home with these joyful colors to symbolize the blissful ingredients of your life. Focus on creating bliss in your home and your life.
You can make a poster using the colors of your five joy ingredients. Write a word in each color that is evocative of your five ingredients. For example, if your first joy ingredient is rafting down a gentle river under the stars and you chose midnight blue to symbolize that, then you could use midnight blue and write down the words “star rafting.”
Do this on a poster with the five-color palette and five bliss items. Make it lyrical, poetic. Create a beautiful wall hanging with these colors and evocative words. Decorate your home with things that create blissful feelings in you.
Decorate your life and home to represent the vivid hues of your radiant soul. Share your brilliance.