Affirmation: “I allow my inner joy wellspring to be unbounded
and free, to power me up, and to keep me radiantly healthy!”
You are a bubbling spring of pure joy. That is your true state of being. You can be forever full with the effervescence of your own true nature. Being joyful simply takes practice. “How can you practice a spontaneous feeling?” you might ask. You’re about to find out.
Exercise: Find Your Internal Wellspring
Take a moment to close your eyes and quiet your mind. Breathe deeply and find a peaceful moment. It’s a challenge in such a stimulating world, but you can do it.
Once you have gotten centered and calm, take a moment to ponder how joyful you feel right now. Where would you rate your joyfulness on a scale of one to ten? Now commit to going deeper into your own joy. It’s in there. With your eyes closed, breathe in and state, “I direct my breath into the center of my inner joy wellspring now.” Breathe. Feel where the air and energy seem to go. Notice where they are in your body.
Breathe into the area in your body rapidly twenty-two times by focusing it and visualizing the breath going directly there. Repeat the word “joy” in your mind with each breath.
Do you feel the joy you set free now circulating within you? Whether you feel it or not, it is happening. Allow yourself to relax into it. Now say, “I allow my inner joy to flow wherever it is needed to raise my vibration.”
Notice where it goes. Feel it go there. You may experience this as a “knowing,” like you instantly know it flowed to your heart. Or you may sense it kinesthetically because an area of your body, like the back of your neck, gets hotter. You may start to see in your mind’s eye that it flowed into your abdomen. Maybe you will sense a sound not audible to all human ears, like rushing water as it swishes to your forehead. The more you simultaneously relax and pay attention, the more you will sense.
Your body is wise and can use joy to heal and power itself. And you can optimize your systems toward joy. Use this breathing exercise to power up your inner joy and feel the wellspring within you bubbling forth. It is happening continually; now you can take hold of it. In this exercise twenty-two breaths are the exact right number to activate your inner wellspring and really get it bubbling with healthy, vital energy. I arrived at this number through years of working with clients as a medical intuitive and noticing what works best.
If you are out and about in your life and you’d like a joy boost, breathe one or two breaths into the area you identified as your wellspring and say “joy” in your mind while you do it. Feel the joy in you freed. Unbounded. Unrestricted. Expanding! Release your joy today!
Extraordinary effervescence exists within you,
waiting to be tapped.