25. Letting Go

Affirmation: “I let go of all that does not serve me
with gentleness and ease.”

Life is full of hellos and goodbyes. Some are happy, some poignant, and some emotionally difficult. People are emotional creatures. It is one of the gifts of being human. We have an extraordinary ability to feel so deeply. We also get attached because of our amazing capacity to feel. Though the richness of life is enhanced by our feelings, sometimes we need to let go of the old to make room for newer, higher vibrational emotions.

Letting go is a natural and beautiful part of life. You can let go of something today that has started to weigh you down. Your heart and soul know exactly what it is! All you will need to do is tap in. I’ll show you how.

Exercise: Letting Go and Opening Your Heart

In order to let go of stuck emotions and heavy energy, we will connect with your emotional body. It’s made of energy. This exercise will help you open your energy body so it can release what no longer serves you.

Feel your emotional body. It begins in your heart, the center of your chest. Bring your attention there and let yourself tune in. When you put your attention on the center of your chest, you might feel a pulse, heat, tingling, or simply a feeling that precedes any words.

Your emotional body is interwoven with your physical body and gets thicker and more voluminous at the very edge of your physical skin. Your emotional body extends out from your physical body about one to two feet, depending on your environment and mood. It is part of your aura. Your aura also contains your mental and spiritual bodies.

Feel your emotional body around you. Sense it by relaxing and opening to sensations in your chest and then all around you. If you do not sense anything, that’s okay. It takes practice. This exercise will work either way.

Feel your heart within your emotional body. Feel how it is alive.

It is like ripples of heat streaming up from hot pavement in the summer, except it is cool and comfortable. Envision the ripples around you. Imagine the ripples flowing back and forth, in and out of you in constant motion.

Notice the edge of the rippling area. It is the edge of your emotional body. See the tiny sparks of electricity that come off it like miniature lightning flashes. Your emotions are electricity!

Send your awareness into these flashes of electricity. How do they feel? Warm? Cool? Tingly? Prickly? Buzzing? Sense them. How do they taste? Do you like them? Do you feel comfortable there?

Merge with the corona (an electrical halo) of your emotional body; allow your consciousness to feel and sense it. You can allow yourself to effortlessly merge with it.

Feelings may come to the surface, and you may even notice parts of your physical body responding. Stay present. Stay with the feeling of your emotional body’s corona. Keep being present to what you are experiencing and don’t check out. It is possible that your mind might wander, but keep bringing your awareness back to your emotional halo. Focus on the tiny sparks that are your emotional body interacting with the rest of the universe. This is emotional presence.

Stay in this state as long as you are able. Then, while still in it, move on to the final steps below.

State aloud, “I now let go of all that does not serve me with ease and gentleness.” Visualize your emotional body and heart. Discharge any electrical energy that you need to let go of. Repeat in your mind, “I let go of all that does not serve my highest good.”

When the letting go completes, rest for a few minutes. Then make sure you really come back to your physical body. Rub your hands over your arms, legs, and feet. State, “I am present. I am here now.”

You have made space in your emotional body to experience more love and joy.

Emotions buzz through our beings like busy bees,
giving us the gift of living vividly.
