Affirmation: “I seize the moment and create bliss, right now!”
The spectacular in your life is the peak experiences, those moments you always want to remember, and life-changing days. These are bucket-list-worthy experiences. They are the pinnacles that we can use to help us strive for the best, most blissful heights of joy. Spectacular moments of sheer beauty might include standing on a massive cliff over the vast Pacific Ocean, summiting a mountain and eating snow, watching a top ballet company from the front row, surveying the city from the top of the Empire State Building.
The spectacular revs up our beauty sensors. It activates our bliss meters. It increases our ability to let joy and gorgeousness overwhelm us. Rev up the spectacular in your life today! Keep striving for these peak moments. They make life rich and exciting. Be spectacular and search for the pinnacles.
Exercise: Spectacular Beauty—Past, Present, Future
You will need a piece of paper and a writing instrument for this activity. You will be focusing on spectacular moments from your life in order to more fully appreciate their beauty.
Make three horizontal columns on your paper and label them past, present, and future.
In the past column, write down past moments that were spectacular. They can be anything from the time you were hiking and had to go through the middle of a herd of elk, to the moment you played your guitar on a stage before thousands of people and the crowd jumped with you in excitement. Or it could be the first moment you met your child or started your very first job. Reflect on your life and the small and large moments of bliss and spectacular experiences.
In the present column, list what spectacular experiences you’d like to have in the present moment. If you could do something spectacular right now, what would you do? It might be going for a new personal record in your lap swimming or something more adventurous, like dropping everything and going cave diving if you could arrange it. And it can’t be something you’d do tomorrow or even later today; it has to be right now. What spontaneous things come up?
Notice how the idea of such freedom and spontaneity feels to you. Is it resonant? Or would you rather plan something first so that you are mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared?
Lastly, move to the future column. Here list the spectacular experiences you’d like to plan for the future. These might be vacations, like a tropical adventure in Fiji, or accomplishments, like having a best-selling book or releasing a jazz album. There is no limit here. Think big!
Reflect on what excites you about your future list. Did you let yourself go really big? Did you believe in your limitlessness enough to list massively spectacular experiences? And did you also embrace the day-to-day joy you can create through fun experiences and appreciating them?
Go back, read everything over, and process what this brought up for you. What types of things were on your mind? What are some themes for you around blissful experiences?
Choose one of your future items and take a step toward making it happen.
Now look at your present items. Which one could you go do right now? Do it!
Take the wheel and create spectacular moments for yourself.
Rev up the extraordinary in your life!