28. Rooting Yourself in Love

Affirmation: “I am rooted in the unlimited love
of the heart of the universe.”

Picture the heart of the universe pulsing with gorgeous, colorful, prismatic love. It is radiating feelings of joy, bliss, happiness, peace, contentment, and ecstasy, ingredients that make up love.

This is the true reality. Everything else we experience is just a different level of density that contains this love but also other things that might seem to embody love to different degrees. Right now we live in a world of duality. First, we have the endlessness of spirit and love available to us. Second, we also live in what seems like a limited physical world. That is the dual aspect of the world, but the truth is we are all unlimited. And that is because our hearts are in union with the center of the universe: love.

The universe is never-ending, so how does it have a center? The center, the love, exists in every atom, in every subatomic particle. It resonates through everything.

Love is color, light, sound, smell, taste, energy, photons, neutrinos, rays, quarks, strings—everything! Love is part of our DNA. It’s part of every star and every galaxy and every blade of grass. Love is the essence of life.

What if you planted your soul’s roots in the center of the universe for all time? What might happen in a universe of endless possibilities? How much bliss would shower you in each moment? Give it a try.

Exercise: Root Yourself in the Essence of Love

You come from love and one day you will return to love. Spend some time in that essence now, the only reality that truly exists.

The heart of the universe exists inside of you. Close your eyes and journey there now. With your eyes closed begin to repeat the word “love” over and over in your mind like a mantra. You can sing it or intone it as well. Keep repeating and feel the center of your back and the center of your chest begin to pulse and activate. Allow the center of your chest to radiate the word. Feel like love is radiating out from the center of your chest in all directions, including backward, as you are thinking the word.

Continue repeating the word. Bring your attention to your consciousness, which you should feel right now in your brow center pulsing with the word. Drop it down into the center of your chest. Bring your full attention there, with the word “love” pulsing through you. Feel it wave and flow.

What does it feel like? Does it have color or light associated with it? Sense or smell? As you keep letting love intone from the center of your chest and your consciousness, let your consciousness take a ride out on one of those love waves as it’s radiated. Feel your consciousness instantaneously enter a larger representation of the heart of the universe.

You just dropped right into the source, the heart of love. Sit there in the center of the universe in lotus position, like you’re meditating. You still will feel your love pulsing from the center of your chest, and yet you are sitting in the heart of the universe. You’re experiencing love within and without.

All this time, keep repeating your mantra. Rest in this for as long as you like. Dig your roots into it. Really be in the essence of love. Let it relax you. Let it calm you. Let it open the doors to ultimate bliss for you.

When you’re ready, you can bring your attention back to the room. Drink some water. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Move your hands and feet and feel yourself become present to the reality around you again.

But keep the essence of love with you forevermore.

Love is the opposite of fear. It is free and transcends
all space and time. Love is infinite.
