29. Living in the Present

Affirmation: “The sun heals me every day and opens my heart
to ever-expanding bliss.”

Imagine sunlight warming your face. Imagine bliss bubbling forth from a happy heart. Imagine you feel joy every day. Is this a distant utopia? No! It’s the euphoria of living in the present. By living in the present, you are refusing to allow past hurts or future worries to weigh you down. They are not forgotten, of course; your past has made you the amazing person you are today, the person with the strength to face tomorrow. Part of that strength is being able to appreciate the joy and beauty around you and allowing yourself the freedom to just be part of it. You have the power to find the bliss in your own heart every single day. Your heart is filled with fresh, vital life force and brimming with love and nourishment, and it is waiting for you to tap into it. Imagine your heart filled with fluffy, colorful flower petals woven through rays and sparkles of glistening light. This is the reality and truth of who you are. You are filled with thrilling, relaxing, bright, luxurious beauty. It is your true nature.

Living in the present makes it possible for you to appreciate each moment. When you are projecting ahead and thinking about the future or reapplying the past, you miss the present moment. Being mindful of the moment lets you receive its gifts.

Appreciate experiences like warm sunlight on your face, ocean waves lapping your toes, or snuggling with a treasured lover or pet. Let experiences of joy and beauty infiltrate your heart. Unlock the doors. Open the blinds. Let in the light. Your heart is the key to your happiness.

Opening your heart to true happiness and the experiences that bring forth that emotion is the most courageous thing you can do. It brings forth feelings of freedom and soaring bliss. You can have that today.

Exercise: The Healing Power of the Sun

Go outside and find a spot in the sunlight. If it’s a cloudy day, you might consider waiting until the sun is more visible, but you can still do the activity, knowing that the sunlight is simply muted but still there. If it’s winter, you can don your warmest clothes and go outside or find a sunny spot inside and do the activity there.

Lay out a blanket and lie down, looking up at the sky. Observe the sky and pay attention to the light, no matter how muted it may be.

Notice the clouds, or lack thereof, in the sky. Notice patterns and dappled light from any trees. Notice the radiance of the sun and how it illuminates everything around you.

Notice what the sunlight feels like on your face and any other exposed skin. Does it feel warm? How does your body feel and perceive it?

Focus your attention on the sunlight hitting the center of your chest. Even if it’s covered by clothing, that is fine. Feel that sun: let it penetrate your clothes and your skin. Let the sunlight flow into the center of your chest.

Let the sunlight symbolize pure source light. Even if the sun is muted, the blaze of source is still strong. It symbolizes joy. Drink it in. Let your heart pulse in joy, starting there in the center of your chest and expanding throughout your body. Fill up your entire physical body with the sunlight-joy.

Now sunlight is pumping through every cell. See it continue to expand and radiate out from the center of your chest, your happy heart, and allow it to grow and expand and pulse and radiate all around you, filling up your aura. Your aura is an oval shape stretching out three or more feet from your physical body surrounding you. This is your personal space. Fill it with sunlight. Fill it with joy. Imagine an experience or person that brought you great joy and source that feeling. Fill your personal space with the emotion and energy of joy.

Keep pulling the sunlight in through the center of your chest and pumping it out until your aura is so full it begins to revolve to the right. Feel it move faster and faster. Feel it revving up. Repeat the word “joy” in your mind as this happens in order to keep spinning it faster and faster and faster.

Eventually, it will reach a critical mass in speed and there will be a burst of powerful, healing, and illuminating sunlight-joy. It’ll explode from your aura and go out over everything. This healing burst will rewire your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to accept more joy.

Take the time as often as possible to enjoy the gentle, powerful healing of sunlight.

Be present to this moment and open endless doors of awareness. Now is where the joy is; be here now.
