30. Journal Your Joy

Affirmation: “I journal my joy, and my joy expands
exponentially forevermore. So be it.”

Keeping a journal is therapeutic and creative. You have this blank page before you, and you can fill it with anything—your day’s experiences, drawings, musings, poems, wish lists, dreams, goals, a log of the plants or animals you have seen, story ideas, observations, meanderings of the mind or heart, or spirit writing. A journal is fun and liberating. It is yours alone. The pages beckon you to share. Even if you aren’t in the mood to talk, your journal will listen to your pen.

You can magnify your bliss by writing about it. Keep a bliss journal and let your heart and spirit have a safe space to express anything. Idea seeds will be planted. In a world of typing on keyboards, magic is wrought by committing pen to paper. Or if you are a high-tech type, you could always keep your journal on your phone, tablet, or PC. Whatever you like is what you get with a journal because it is one hundred percent about you. Your thoughts. Your dreams. Your fears. Your goals. Enter the world of personal expression in your journal today.

Exercise: Joyful Journaling

The purpose of this activity is to get you to express yourself creatively. You are free to be yourself and to write about whatever comes to mind. As you get more comfortable sharing your experiences, thoughts, etc., with your journal, you may even become more comfortable sharing yourself with others.

If you don’t already have a journal, get one. It can be a simple notebook, something special that appeals to you, or a device. Once you have your journal, you can start writing about whatever speaks to you. To get you started, here are some topics you could write on:

• The best part of your day

• What you want to improve about your reactions to events in your life

• Favorite travel experiences

• A list of goals for the month

• A note to yourself ten years from now

• Your own definition of bliss

• The top three most joyful moments of your life

• Your most secret aspiration

• What your favorite color symbolizes to you

• Free drawing, which can be doodles, sketches, outlines, or fully detailed drawings

• Freewriting—just let your pen be totally free and write anything that flows out

• Free association of positive words that you want in your existence

Sometimes your diary is the perfect listener.
