34. Drawer of Love

Affirmation: “I live love. I am made of infinite love.
I choose love in each moment.”

Part of feeling blissful comes from feeling the emotion of love. Love feels amazing! Some say it is the divine flowing through us. Love inspires interconnection, happiness, and passion for life. Sometimes love relaxes us and helps us feel centered. Feeling love realigns us with what is truly important to us.

From the center of all love, there is a vibration so luminous, so clear, and so true; it is a vibration of pure knowing. Infinity. This is love. The more you can feel it, the better your life will be.

Self-love is very important, and so is feeling love for others and the world. How do you live this? What do you have that symbolizes it? A souvenir from a love-filled vacation? A love note to yourself or another? A handmade gift from a child?

Exercise: Collect Love with Intention

Gather up all kinds of love objects from your home. These are things like greeting cards you have saved, shells collected from a pleasant day at the beach, and special treats you have bought for yourself or been given. Choose items that make you feel like smiling when you see them. The intention of this exercise is to have a spot to find objects of love to affirm your self-love and the love in your life. Add in some love notes to yourself.

We are going to reappropriate the “junk drawer” idea and instead create a love drawer. If you can spare a top drawer in your bureau, that would be a great spot. But if not, a drawer that you are near often will do perfectly. Now fill it with your treasures.

As you place each thing in the drawer, think of anyone associated with it and repeat the mantra, “I joyfully give and receive love.”

You can revisit this drawer throughout your days, and just a quick peek will ignite feelings of love within you. Love is the most powerful force of nature. It is free. It transcends time and space. It is infinite, and so are you. You are made of love.

Life is a collection of experiences.
Stockpile those wrought with love like the treasures they are.
