35. Identify Your Gifts

Affirmation: “I recognize my gifts and optimize them.
I accept my total being and honor all parts of myself.”

You are gifted! Believe it. Everyone has unique and amazing gifts within waiting to be harnessed. The secret is to identify them. You may be an artistic amazement. You may be a musical marvel. You may be a caring comrade. You might be a hilarious human. You might be an innovative and interesting person. You might be smart and sassy or quiet and deep. There is an endless array of wonderful qualities, and we all have some of them.

We all have gifts and talents. We have propensities and ways we can enliven ourselves and give back to our communities. Let’s identify some of yours!

Exercise: Find Your Gifts

The following quiz is meant to get you thinking about yourself and to breed self-awareness. There are three parts to it. Do all three parts to really get deep and know yourself and the ways that you can bring joy to your world.

Part One: Free Association

Look at each of these words and free associate: what comes to mind as a first impulse when you see each word? Write it down.

1. Effort

2. Dreaming

3. Sparkles

4. Life’s purpose

5. Technology

6. Group activities

7. Vanilla

8. Spicy

9. Community

10. Earth

Part Two: True or False

1. I consider myself confident. T or F

2. I like to be subtle. T or F

3. My style is obvious. T or F

4. I like to be the center of attention. T or F

5. I like to dance at weddings. T or F

6. My gifts are well defined. T or F

7. I learn from my mistakes and get better. T or F

8. I try to stand out from the crowd. T or F

9. I like to hide in the background and observe people quietly. T or F

10. My life is calm and well ordered. T or F

Part Three: Your Special Gifts

1. What was your favorite subject in school?

2. What was your favorite childhood hobby?

3. What does your family know you as the go-to person for? (sewing, a heart-to-heart, laughter, etc.)

4. What are you passionate about?

5. How do you want to spend your time?

6. In a perfect world, if you could do absolutely anything tomorrow, what would it be?

7. What have you been professionally praised for?

8. What do you like about yourself?

9. What is your best feature?

10. What celebrity are you most like?

Answer Key

Part One

What themes or words came up for you? Look at how your brain worked.

Linear: Was it linear and obvious? Maybe you wrote “Vanilla—chocolate or “Spicy—food.

Abstract: Was it abstract and unexpected? Like “Vanilla—confetti or “Spicy—brick red.

Quirky: Was it quirky, and did it make you laugh? Like “Vanilla—white bread lover” or “Spicy—bathroom break!

Or are you indefinable? How mysterious.

Part Two

Add up your points using the key to find your self-confidence level.

1. T=4, F=0

2. T=1, F=6

3. T=3, F=5

4. T=7, F=1

5. T=4, F=0

6. T=4, F=3

7. T=5, F=1

8. T=4, F=1

9. T=1, F=3

10. T=3, F=2

35–45: Self-Esteem Expert

You are a master at self-confidence. Keep up the good work and know how gifted you are!

24–34: Self-Assurance Apprentice

You are learning to be confident and recognize your gifts. Keep at it!

13–23: Self-Confidence Student

It’s time for a self-esteem infusion, stat! Believe in yourself now. You are gifted. Let part three help you mine your bountiful unique gifts.

Part Three

Look at your answers and go within, be introspective about them. What patterns do you see? What is a common thread in a lot of your answers? Is it your style? Your artistic ability? Your heart-centered approach to life? Your skill at getting things done? Are you known for your way with words? Which of your answers are similar? Notice your best qualities, your achievements, and your ways of bringing joy to others. Make a list of what your answers have in common. If you love music, your nieces always want you to sing songs for them, you loved chorus in middle school, and the idea of singing every day lifts your heart, then you know singing is a major gift to explore. Maybe you could join the local choral society. Whatever your gifts are, appreciate yourself. You are a gift. Let yourself bring you joy!

When you consciously choose to do what you love,
life becomes a pleasure and ceases to be a chore.
