Affirmation: “I connect with the world of flora
and experience the bliss of that connection!”
Everything is alive. Everything has consciousness, including plants. Opening yourself to experience it can up your bliss factor. You can really connect with the beauty of plants in a deeper and more meaningful way. You can feel the interconnection between all life even more when you open your heart to the plants all around you all the time.
Some people have memories of being children and sitting and reading with their back up against a big tree. It felt good there. Safe. And it was, because big trees are steady and strong and their consciousness is supportive and massive. Kids can feel that security and enjoy being close to it.
Others have memories of being shown around their neighbor’s rose garden, enchanted. The colors, textures, and smells provided a blissful sensory experience, and the rose consciousness is sweet and refined, almost as if it is playing a lyrical tune. Children can feel these beautiful vibrations easily and respond to them.
Some people have wonderful memories of picking wild strawberries for jam. The plants gave their sweetness with love, and the jam was the best you ever tasted. Children would sing and dream while wandering in the strawberry bramble, not realizing they were connecting with the consciousness of the plants.
The beauty and wisdom of plants is all around you. Start listening!
Exercise: Be a Plant Whisperer
If the weather is inviting to you, go outside now and physically touch plants, trees, soil, etc. Sit with your back against trees or work in the garden. Be with plants and growing flora. Smell flowers and appreciate that they give their sweetness freely, hoping to attract a bee to bless them with pollen and blessing you in the process.
All of those actions will help you connect with the plants surrounding you, whether it be the tree outside your bedroom window, the potted plant in your living room, or the garden in your yard. Start expanding your awareness and connect with the plants you encounter in your day-to-day life—the stand of pine trees you pass every day on your way to work, the vegetables in your salad at dinner, and the grass growing next to the bus stop on a street you frequent. Notice plants, and they will notice you. Give your good wishes to plants, and they will pour forth good wishes to you.
When you connect with a plant, what does it feel like? Is each one different? Do you feel like each one has a personality of sorts or not? Take time to connect with plants. Even saying hi to a tree as you pass by can be a blissful experience if you are open to it.
Flowers, trees, and leaves are all gorgeous expressions of nature’s innate joy. Notice the bounty surrounding you.