Affirmation: “I am. I exist. I embrace my inner quiet
and let it replenish me.”
People are discovering that meditation is associated with improvement in a variety of psychological areas, including stress, anxiety, and depression. There’s also research to suggest that meditation can reduce blood pressure and pain response. But how can you commit to it consistently? One way would be to do the activity below every week. It won’t take long, and you will feel the blissful benefits.
Exercise: Meditate with Your Higher Self
Your higher self is the part of you that knows the state of joy without barrier. Here you will learn to connect with it, reaching that natural state. Your divine self is endless. It’s your witnessing self. Meet it.
Practice stilling your body and quieting your mind. Pick your favorite spot and get comfortable. Try to get rid of as many distractions as possible by turning off the television, putting your phone on silent, and closing the windows if there’s a lot of traffic outside. Some soft music in the background can be relaxing. Then, consciously connect with your higher self. To do this, simply state, “I connect with my higher self. Please teach me. I am open to healing and learning and blessing. I believe in your clarity and light.”
Try visualizing that you are surrounded by warm, inviting light. Imagine that this light is your higher self, reaching out in order to strengthen your connection and to bring you closer to your natural state of joy.
Bring your attention to your brow center and repeat this mantra: “I am my higher self.” A mantra is simply a word or phrase used for meditation in order to help concentrate on a desired goal. By repeating this phrase and focusing on your brow center, you are able to push aside the outside world and come closer to your inner self. When your attention wanders, just bring it back to your mantra. Sit with this for at least five minutes (if you like, you can set a timer).
Exercise: Simplify Your Inner World
Let go of the extraneous. Find your center. Enter into the mindset of simplicity. One thing at a time. Calm. Quiet time. Silent focus. No extraneous words, talking, or mind chatter. Just perfect, elegant simplicity.
What three things can you do right now to simplify and calm your existence? Write them down and do them. Open yourself to the inner bliss of a quiet, divinely connected mind.
Inner quiet can be cultivated.
Meditation is a healing balm to a
frazzled brain existing in a hectic world.