Affirmation: “I live love in each moment.
I let love heal me and elevate me to my highest self.”
The turquoise water glinted in the sun as the boat cut through the mild chop on the Atlantic. The island of North Bimini faded toward the horizon, and my mind flashed back to images from a dream from the night before: dolphin’s eyes and smiles, air bubbles in warm ocean water, the feeling of my heart opening wider and the essence of peace.
Someone on the boat spoke to me, and I responded in kind, making conversation as the boat sped on. On the bow someone yelled, “Dolphins!”
Everyone ran up to the front of the boat. Dolphins were why we were all here on the boat and why we had traveled to the sun-washed islands of the Bahamas in the first place.
We all lay on our bellies on the front of the boat with our heads hanging over the side and watched the dolphins below us effortlessly riding the underwater wave created by the boat’s movement through the water. Their enjoyment was palpable, and sometimes one of them would turn on one side and look up at me, making gentle eye contact for a minute. Then it whizzed away out to sea, only to be replaced by a brother or sister from the pod.
“Join our pod,” they seemed to beckon.
The dolphins played in the wake of the boat for hours and then it was time for the people to get into the water. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean the choice to stay or go when we stopped the boat and got into the sea was clearly theirs. They stayed. Cautious at first, they checked us out and swam beneath us.
As we all acclimated to each other, they grew bolder and came closer. Their playful spirit of unconditional love had everyone in a blissful state. I dove with my fins, mask, and snorkel down about fifteen feet. I knew from previous dolphin experiences that they loved when I dove down deeper into their world.
At the bottom of my descent, I hung underwater headfirst. A group of adult dolphins swam from beneath me directly toward me. One of them in the front and center made eye contact with me, telling me, “Relax, we will gently surround you now.”
They swam all around me as we made the journey back to the surface together. There were at least five of them all around me, moving, swimming mere centimeters from my body, and almost touching my arms and shoulders but not quite. Each of their eyes lightly held my gaze for a moment until they swam past. The one who led the pack from below gently sidled up in front of me. His beak almost on my forehead, he looked within me and sent me acceptance beyond words. With his gaze and transcendent heart connection, he welcomed me into the pod for all time.
That pod still visits me in dreams from time to time, and I them. We are joined in love. We all share the understanding that love transcends space and time and does not necessarily require physical proximity. We live the knowledge that love is free.
Imagine a world where all the oceans were made of love. Those seas would lap at the shores, saturating the land they touched with the unstoppable power of love. Love is a force of nature that permeates everything in the universe. And you can tap into those endless seas of love and let them spill into your life and transform it.
You can fill your spirit and being with the self-correcting, self-regulating force of ultimate love. It flows in a sparkling stream, and all you need to do is hop in and start swimming.
Join me there now.
Exercise: Floating in Love
The following activity is designed to help you absorb the love coursing through all of nature.
Lie down in a warm, quiet place. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let the noise of the day fall away. Envision yourself looking out at a glimmering, pale-pink sea. Stand on the shore and take in the beauty.
Now gently wade in. Feel the pale pink water on your feet. What does it feel like? It’s lightly effervescent. Walk in further. Notice it caressing your calves and thighs as you go in deeper.
When you are ready, kick up your heels and allow your legs to float up as you lie on your back in the sea of love. Let the gentle effervescence support you in perfect comfort. Open to the essence of this love water. It is the love that courses through the veins of the divine. Receive it. Allow yourself to be a sponge and soak it in. It is infinite, never-ending.
Sense your heart relaxing, opening. Feel the love water flow into it, swishing in and gently, easily letting any density within wash away. It instantly dissolves in the love water. Breathe deeply and, if you feel ready, dive down into the sea. Swim underwater. You can breathe this water, just like you did as an embryo. Breathe in the love water as you swim in the pale pink, clear sea. What do you feel? What do you sense?
What do you see? There are gentle, completely loving beings in this ocean. They will only approach you if you invite them. Do you see a loving, playful, pink dolphin up ahead? Or a wise, calm, purple whale? If you do, go visit if you’d like. Swim free.
When you are ready, swim back to the surface. Float for a few minutes, soaking in the love. Then swim toward shore. When you are ready, lightly walk out until you are standing on shore looking back out at the sea, just like when you started.
Give thanks to the power of love. Feel the love you just absorbed coursing through you. Step back from the sea and open your eyes when you are ready. Notice the room around you. Pat your arms and legs vigorously and say aloud, “I am here now.” Make sure you feel present to yourself before you go about your day. Focus on your five senses to feel rooted in your life.
Your life is awash in waves of love in each moment.
Open your eyes to the currents around you and bathe in the bliss.