Affirmation: “I am powerful in my love for myself.
My inner essence sparkles with bliss.”
You are superhuman. This is because you are special, precious, and a treasure of true beauty. You are amazing! You have endless wonderful qualities. And you have an amazing inner strength and resilience within you. Couple this inner strength and resilience with the truth that anything is possible, and you are the ultimate powerhouse.
You have strength inherently within you. It’s deep, amazing strength, and it’s the same part of you that is so special. It’s also uniquely strong. It’s your essence!
Your essence, when properly tapped, can turn you into a superhuman. It’s the fuel that gets you exactly where you need to be. It’s the clarity that helps you make amazing decisions. It’s the inspiration that helps you create beautiful things. Your essence is your inner, special spark that flows throughout your body. A big dose of it lives in your heart center. And it also is strong in your solar plexus, which is often associated with personal power. Your essence is that special, individuated part of you that is uniquely you. It’s interwoven with your overall chi or energy, and it’s in every cell and synapse of your being. Your essence is beautiful—tap into it today!
Exercise: Essential Essence
In this activity you’re going to practice tapping into your power center in order to recharge your creativity, optimism, love, and bliss. This is a great way to connect with your individual essence. Your solar plexus offers an easy way to connect with that part of your being.
Find a quiet place to sit and be still. Take a few minutes to relax your mind and heart. Feel the air moving in and out of your body. Breathe deeply.
As you relax, place your hands on your solar plexus, above your belly button and below your chest. Feel that area. Feel the energy there. Feel the power there. This is your power center, where your unique and powerful essence lives.
Feel your consciousness go into that space. Pay attention to how it feels there. Let yourself go deep within it. Imagine you’re standing there in your own solar plexus. What does it feel like? What does it look like? What does it sound and smell like? Notice the colors. Feel the power there. Feel the spark within you and immerse yourself in it. Tap into this essence and let it fuel you. Let it fuel your creative fire. Let it fuel your heart and its ability to love. Let your spark fuel your decisive optimism and your actions.
As you sit with the spark within you, think of the word “bliss.” Send your intention to live a strong, powerful, blissful life, and run it through your solar plexus, where it will get powered up. Radiate it out through your body and into the world. This will draw powerful bliss right back to you. Say thank you to your divine essence, and say yes to the bliss you already contain. You are powerful! You are superhuman! Live it!
Your inner essence can innovate and inspire. Harness that dynamism and embrace the positive change you can create. #joyfulliving101