44. Comfort and Joy

Affirmation: “I use healthy joy and comfort to set off my brain chemicals of bliss for my highest good.”

Part of finding your bliss is developing a sense of comfort and joy in your daily life. You can give yourself comfort by prioritizing your restoration and rejuvenation. You can soak in mineral baths. You can fill your home with soft-colored wildflowers. You can meditate. You can collect shells. You can discover new gentle places. You can create bliss and quiet in your life by setting aside time to meditate or do yoga. You can give yourself the chance to dream and be friendly with your imagination. You can surround yourself with color and mystical, enchanting pictures and items that will comfort you, like images of fairies, flowers, or tranquil clouds. There are endless possibilities to creating comfort in your life if you make it a priority. You will be giving yourself the message that you are loved and cared for and that your comfort matters. And in doing so, you will give yourself the freedom to be replenished on a continual basis, which allows you to feel more and more joy.

Comfort and joy combined create true bliss. When you put those two ingredients together, you ignite endless, abundant experiences of bliss. Who wouldn’t want that?

Exercise: Experience Comfort and Joy

We are going to define what really embodies these two important feelings for you so that you can make them critical ingredients in your life. They are inseparable and essential to feeling amazing and experiencing bliss.

Let’s begin with comfort. Brainstorm in your journal about some times when you have felt deeply comforted. During these times, you felt sensory enjoyment and relaxation. Really remember what this feeling was like. What were you doing? Were you at a spa soaking in the fizzy mineral bath? Were you lying on a sun-drenched beach with a light breeze? Were you floating on a raft in the middle of a glistening lake at sunset? Were you wrapped up in the softest blanket on a puffy feather-bed? Were you eating sweet, sensual honey and listening to gorgeous music?

Really remember and experience what that felt like and write it down. Ask yourself what are some other ways you might feel that same feeling. What are some things you could do or situations you could put yourself in to feel deep, sensory comfort and relaxation? Write those down.

Do the same exercise about when you felt soaring joy. Think about when you felt that pleasurable feeling last and about the peak moments. What were you doing? Were you standing on a surfboard for the first time, shooting over the water? Were you looking through a telescope at a bright moon? Had you just climbed your favorite tree and you were looking over your neighborhood? Were you rollerblading down a huge hill, flying over the pavement? Were you dancing onstage to a favorite song?

Really bring yourself back to that feeling. Brainstorm some other ways that you might feel that same feeling. Write them down in your journal.

Pick your top idea for each feeling. It is your job to schedule both of these experiences for yourself in the next ten days. When you do them, really let yourself be one hundred percent present to how they feel. Did they meet your expectations? Were they different from what you imagined? Let yourself feel amazing. Let yourself feel deeply comforting and joyful bliss. Give yourself these pleasurable experiences to raise your mood and vibration and to enhance your bliss.

Comfort, joy, and love are key ingredients to a rich,
pleasurable life. Prize them.
