45. Live for Today

Affirmation: “I embrace now—this moment—
with my whole being.”

What do you think is the purpose of life? Really give it some thought for a moment. There is no correct answer, and each person’s answer will be highly individual. Do we all have the exact same purpose, or are the reasons we are here as varied as our diverse beauty? Does the purpose of life involve joy or bliss for you? Odds are it does in some form, whether it’s spiritual joy, the heart-joy of connecting with family, or the joy of accomplishing tasks and achieving goals.

Finding your bliss is an inside job, and there is no time to waste. Today could be your last day to really live. This isn’t meant to be sad or scary. Today, you are here! There is so much to experience, and it’s a gift to have the opportunity. Don’t waste a minute.

In 2007, I was driving slowly and safely down an almost-clear road in winter. It wasn’t slippery after the snowstorm the night before, and it was just a normal morning. An ordinary day like any other was getting started as I headed to work.

Suddenly, I hit a patch of black ice, and my car rolled down a hill. After what seemed like minutes, I landed abruptly on a tree. I crawled out of the broken driver’s side window as I grabbed my purse, shards of glass falling to the ground from my hair and clothes. I was okay. I was alive. And what stuck with me was the feeling of peace I felt as I rolled down that hill on spin cycle. I was present and living for today. It further strengthened my belief that we can choose to be present and conscious in our lives and that if we do, our lives will align with our highest purpose. And then, whenever we exit this reality, we will be at peace.

Exercise: Your Prime Directive

If you were to live for today, what would you do? To figure that out, you must identify what is important to you. Answer the following questions to find out:

• Who are you in your heart?

• What ignites passionate interest in you? What lights up your spirit?

• Where are you going in life? What drives you?

• What feelings do you seek in your life?

• What do you fear?

• What do you hope for?

• What is your wish?

• What do you offer to life?

• What do you need to be happy?

• What brings you joy?

Take some time to really reflect on your answers. Use them to identify your prime directive. What drives you at your core? What fuels your actions, thoughts, and decisions?

Whatever drives you is what you must construct your life around. If it’s connecting with others, then your life must be filled with sweet connection. If it is spiritual reflection and solitude, then you must make that a priority. If you are fueled by time in nature, then those moments must become a top consideration.

Living for today means identifying your bliss and experiencing it now. Because now is the only moment that truly exists. Right now. Everything else is a whisper, but now is essential. And all moments, future and past, are contained in this one. All things are simultaneous. Living for today is choosing bliss in each moment, on the days with your favorite activities and even when you are grocery shopping, doing laundry, carpooling, or working at a restaurant. Connectors can smile and share goodwill with whomever they meet, whether they’re doing errands or consciously connecting. The spiritual reflector can see the divine beauty in the carpool, the serenity of doing laundry, and the exchange of energy while working at a restaurant. The nature enthusiast can appreciate nature on the way to the grocery store and even in selecting produce to nourish their family.

Live for today and find the joy in each moment. Be present to this day and savor it.

In choosing consciousness, we gift ourselves with presence. #joyfulliving101
