Affirmation: “I give and accept waves of welcome.
I attract wonderful, like-minded friends who enrich my life.”
On Twitter, #WOW can mean “waves of welcome.” It’s used to greet new friends in the Twitterverse. The spirit of waves of welcome is one of friendliness and openness. Meeting new people can enrich your life. And all of your close friends were once strangers. Friendliness and sharing are the ingredients that create friendships.
Extend waves of welcome to people you meet, and be open to heart connections. They happen all the time. An open heart is free and trusting yet strong and empowered. You can believe in the goodness in the world. You can trust your radar and heart. You know what is best for you. Trust yourself.
Exercise: Friendly Heart
In this exercise we will explore if you want to allow yourself to have a friendly heart. Do you encounter any resistance? Are you afraid of getting hurt, seeming weak, losing something, losing your edge, being duped?
Someday, you will have to release your fears and trust the wisdom of your heart. Why not make it today? If you do, you will make more space in your heart for love and joy.
Your heart is wise and capable of more than your mind. Your mind is limited in that it accounts for knowledge but not emotion. Your heart is limitless. Place your bets on the heart.
If you want to have a friendly heart, try this:
Bring your attention to the center of your chest. Feel the energy there. Envision it glowing. Let your heart energy radiate. Just feel it and notice if it pulses or feels warm. Your attention helps it radiate.
Ask your heart if it wants to open. Listen for its answer. You may feel it emotionally or sensorially. Visualize your heart responding and opening. If it is apprehensive, ask it why. What fears come up? Breathe into them and open yourself to love. Feel the breath go into the center of your chest. Keep breathing deeply into your heart, and simultaneously try to let yourself relax. Relaxing is opening.
Now say aloud, “I choose to open my heart. I draw heart friends to me for my highest good. I allow my life to be enriched.”
Breath is the door to the heart and soul.
It moves chi and energizes cells.