48. Balancing the Masculine
and Feminine Sides
Affirmation: “My sacred twins live in blissful harmony,
and I am integrated.”
Your sacred twins symbolize your masculine and feminine sides. Everyone has these aspects of the self. You want your sacred twins to be in harmony. You want them to be good buddies. This fosters greater integration of your spirit and emotions, and that makes your human experience more positive and efficient. This concept began as an ancient shamanic tradition from the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.
You are going to meet your sacred twins. Your job will be to facilitate a positive and joyful experience for each one. They may be cooperative and excited to see you and each other, or they may have some things to work out. You can handle it! You are perfectly equipped to help them get to know each other if they haven’t met. And you’re also the perfect consciousness to assist them in deepening and bettering their relationship.
The masculine and feminine labels are only to describe the polarity and relationship between those aspects of the self. In many, they will appear as the gender stated, but there is no constraint to that. Different people’s sacred twins show up in different ways. All manifestations are beautiful.
Your masculine side is usually the right side of your body and left side of your brain. It is responsible for logical, rational thinking. It likes lists, efficiency, security, and wise action. Masculine is active.
Your feminine side is usually the left side of your body and right side of your brain. It is responsible for your creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. It likes beauty, expression, and flowing movement. Feminine is receptive.
Exercise: Meet Your Sacred Twins
In order to unite the masculine and feminine sides of your body energetically and help the left and right hemispheres of your brain work together more cooperatively, you can meet your sacred twins and help them become a more unified team. This shamanic technique will bring you greater wellness and cohesion of your spirit.
Lie down and relax your mind and body for a few minutes. Repeat the word “bliss” over and over in your mind. Let your thoughts converge on that word. Let it permeate you. Bliss. It’s your goal. It’s happiness, contentment, pleasure, peace, uplift, and positivity. Be bliss for a few minutes by saying the word to yourself. When you repeat a word over and over, its essence gets programmed into the cells of your body.
Now, say aloud, “I now choose to meet my sacred twins for my highest good and the highest good of all life. I ask that this meeting be gentle, pleasant, and mutually beneficial for all aspects of myself involved. I thank my sacred twins for showing up to meet me consciously today. I appreciate you both equally.”
Close your eyes and sink into your consciousness. Cross your hands over the center of your chest. Envision a door, open it, and walk through. See yourself entering an appropriately appointed room, the environment fitting you. It is the center of the temple of your heart. Feel yourself walk into the center of the room. From your right, one sacred twin will walk out to meet you now.
From the left, the other will emerge and join you. Outstretch your hands and all hold hands in a circle. Introduce yourself. Allow them to also introduce themselves. Ask them if they need anything from you to make their lives and jobs easier. Listen.
Tell them which of those things you can do. Invite them to dialogue. Listen to the discourse and offer help or mediation as needed. When that is complete and they are in harmony, invite a group hug.
Give them both flowers that you easily conjure from your hands. Thank them. Receive any gifts they may offer. Tell them they can meet you in the dreamtime whenever they want or ask you to come visit again.
Hug again and then exit through the door, closing it firmly but gently. Open your eyes and drink a full glass of water to hydrate and integrate. Journal about your experience.
Integration happens when all parts of your being are in harmony. #joyfulliving101