Affirmation: “I honor and love the fairy folk and am excited
to keep getting to know them for the rest of my life!”
Another word for fairy is elemental. Elementals are involved with almost every facet of existence. These beings shape the landscape of wild terrain. They cheer us on as we plant our gardens and advise us with gentle whispers where to place seeds and bulbs. These beings teach us how to walk softly on the planet.
I believe elementals also move the stars that orbit the center of galaxies. They encourage the energy that comprises gravity, centripetal force, and other forces of nature. Frequently, elementals lovingly tend and support something in the natural world, whether a flower, a tree, a star, or a stone. The elementals of gravity may sound extra cosmic to some people. In my personal experience and the happenings of many clients over the years, this has been truth. An important thing to remember is that spiritual experiences are unique for every individual. Forces in the spirit world may seem real for some and not for others. The truth is that your beliefs and focus create your reality. Every moment provides an opportunity to expand your view and thinking. The result is often a new sense of joy and a more open heart.
Play is the essence of fairy life. Fairy play can change lives and universes. It can enliven a plant, brighten a flower, and midwife a supernova explosion.
The other essence of fairy energy and elemental life is change. Change is one of the constants in the universe. Change does not stop. Lack of change, also known as stagnation, creates a vacuum energetically. And nature does everything it can to fill a vacuum; in the case of fairy energy, it does so with change.
Change is a great ally to the fae (another name for the fairy folk). The fae dance with change and harness its power to manifest living miracles of creation constantly. For the fae, change is one of the constants they depend on. The other is love.
Fairies have a deep, abiding sense of love. Love, for the fae, is unencumbered. It is universal life and light. It is string-free. It just is. Love is the nature of true reality and divine presence. Love is energy, power, and electricity. Fairies and elementals of all kinds harness love to manifest change. Love and change are interwoven in the fae realm and throughout the universe.
Exercise: Witness Beauty with a Fairy Friend
Sit outside near some flowers, plants, or trees that you like. You can do this during any season. Just find some plants that you feel are speaking to you. This can be in your yard, in a park, in a forest, or by a lake or the ocean. Leave your cell phone off or away from you.
Look around and appreciate the beauty surrounding you. Spend some time just relaxing and acclimating to the gentler pace of nature. It’s not overstimulating. It’s balanced and peaceful. Feel that. Close your eyes and notice the smells around you. Do you smell the flowers? Let your thoughts slow down. Relax your mind. Allow your heart to open.
Say aloud, “Fairy folk, fairy folk, fairy folk, come visit me and let me see you. I come to you in only love and light.” You could also sing this, since fairies love music. You have to call them aloud. You can whisper it if you’d like.
Feel them gather. Open your eyes and see if you sense or know that they are there, right in front of you. They may be like little moving sparkles.
If you sense them, say hello (or, even better, lyrically sing it). Commune with them. Connect with them. Open your heart and mind to their messages. Enjoy your time together. Thank them when you are finished, and journal your experiences afterward.
The fairy folk are all around! Start noticing their beauty, and feel blissful connection with them! To encourage them to interact with you more often, you can build a fairy home in a corner of your yard or garden. Find natural materials such as leaves, twigs, feathers, or pretty pebbles, and construct something that you find beautiful and would give the fairies someplace to manifest when you are seeking to communicate with them. They may also choose to rest there at other times, blessing your garden with their presence.
Fairy magic is present in every ray of sunlight and each joyful moment. Embrace the living essence of nature.