5. Find Daily Beauty

Affirmation: “I am made of beauty. I notice beauty around me every day. I am beautifully blessed!”

Appreciating beauty is all about seeing the bliss that can surround you if you simply open your eyes to it. You will learn how to glory in your world and enjoy diversity with happiness and love. Jump into beauty with both feet!

Every day there is a tremendous amount of uplifting beauty available to you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find it. It is all around. You reap the benefits of the beauty you sow, so create it. Appreciate it. Revel in the gloriousness of enchanting, evocative beauty all around you all the time.

You can appreciate beauty by simply noticing it. It can be visual, auditory, conceptual, olfactory, kinesthetic, or gustatory. One day it may be beautiful words of love from your spouse. The next, a flower petal as it falls to the ground. After that, a song or dance you witness. It could even be a sand castle built by a child or a haiku written by a friend.

You can create beauty by first pondering its meaning. Beauty is a combination of qualities that is aesthetically pleasing. Next, you can be an architect of beauty. Beauty brings bliss! Create a moment of beauty for yourself or to share, like a whipped cream heart on a waffle, essential oils to scent the laundry, kind words for a friend, or an artistic treat for yourself.

Finding beauty is about focusing on goodness. And goodness ushers in bliss. Engage your senses. Make a commitment to notice daily beauty. It’s all around!

Exercise: Engage Your Senses to Find Beauty

Here are some ways to enliven your senses and experience beauty:

• Walk in a field of flowers or grass.

• Look at the passing colors as you drive down a country road.

• Light candles before bed and let yourself enter an unfocused state as you observe the play of light on the walls. (Be sure to extinguish them before falling asleep.)

• Walk barefoot in the grass or on the beach.

• Dance to your favorite songs with the windows open to let in the fresh air.

• Smell flowers on a walk in your neighborhood.

• Draw designs with colored pencils or pens.

• Listen to uplifting music.

• Notice the cold tingling in your mouth when you eat a popsicle.

• Feel the sun on your face as you walk to your car.

• Appreciate the texture of your clothing, like a soft sweater or linen pants, as you put it on.

• Calm your mind, observe the wind in the trees, and hear the pleasant sound it makes.

• Breathe in the steam during a shower and feel the warmth on your skin.

• Enjoy the fizzy effervescence in your sparkling water.

Open your senses and look for beauty. If you look, you will find it! Take ownership of your enjoyment of life and make a commitment to experience beauty and life’s pleasure on a daily basis—your life will become ever more blissful.

Look for daily beauty. Let the splendor of life fill your senses.
