50. Ancestral Healing

Affirmation: “I keep the light and love from my ancestors
and let go of the rest.”

The world is changing rapidly. A global homogenization is happening. Beautiful races of every color are intermingling like never before. Now more than ever, it is very apparent how intertwined we all are.

People are tracing their ancestry and discovering distant relatives all across the world. People are reconnecting with lost heritages. The global reality is moving closer and closer to acceptance and embracing. It may take a while for the entire world to catch up, but overall progress toward love and equality marches on.

What a perfect time to clean up any density or old energy related to our ancestry and step into greater bliss! The more density we dissolve, the more space we make for joy, light, bliss, and goodness. Own your ancestry, whether you know the complete picture of it or not. Embrace yourself and your hundreds of thousands of ancestors, going all the way back to the beginning of humanity. You are diverse and ancient! Heal and celebrate who you are.

Exercise: Ancestral Balancing and Harmony Process

The purpose of this activity is to connect with your ancestral spirits and dissolve as much density as possible from your being in order to allow healing and balance.

Say aloud, “I would now like to do the Ancestral Balancing and Harmony Process.” This calls in the beings of light who can support you in this activity. Close your eyes. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth right behind your front teeth. Doing this is thought to help the two sides of your brain work in greater harmony. It is also known to increase focus and help you meditate.

Above your head, envision a revolving form or shape. It will be different for everyone. This is a medical intuitive technique that lets you bring energy or thought into temporary form so that you can change it or balance it. Experience it by noticing how it feels to you. Do you notice a color or scent with it? Sense into the form by letting your attention merge with it. Disengage your mind as much as possible, and notice if it has a sound or emotion associated with it. This gives sensory insight into parts of your ancestral lineage outside of the mind and thoughts.

Say aloud, “I receive all blessings and love for the highest good from my ancestors. I release with love all that does not serve me and my highest good from my ancestors for all time. So be it. It is done.”

Bring your attention back from the energetic form above your head. How does the form feel now? It may have changed and may continue to evolve and change. Say aloud, “Thank you for the gifts and healing of this process and to all the helpers involved. I am grateful and accept bliss and joy as they now fill me.”

This is a very nonlinear process and creates a change in the body and the brain that is beyond conventional explanation. It is not intended to engage the mind too much. Sometimes thinking doesn’t work, so we try something a little different. This is an opportunity to relax the mind and let the somatic body be balanced. The somatic body is the body and mind. It is the source of intelligence contained in your body and is intrinsically intertwined with your nervous system. This exercise is one of many proprietary techniques that I have created over fifteen years as a medical intuitive working with clients worldwide, and I share it with you because it has worked for many clients over the years.

We can all receive the gifts of our unique ancestry
and harness them to forge a path of joy and healing.
