53. Drink from the Well
of Self-Love
Affirmation: “I let my love for myself grow infinitely.
I understand that loving myself is emotionally healthy
and necessary to my well-being.”
You have an endless well of love within you. It is completely infinite. To truly experience love with another person, you must first have complete, utter, full love for yourself. You must dip yourself in the well of true self-love. You must cultivate self-love relentlessly to create your best life. It’s a daily process. You must make the commitment and conscious effort every day to be kind and loving to yourself. You must do this to create a blissful life. It’s necessary.
Turn down the volume on your negative self-talk and turn up the volume on your bliss. Speak to yourself with the words of love. Say and think only positive, loving, and accepting words to yourself and about yourself. Can you commit to that? Your cells believe what you tell them. If you tell them, “I am an amazing being of love and light doing my very best every day, and I love myself,” you will flourish. You have to choose to commit to loving yourself.
Say the following aloud: “I allow myself to be totally supported in all I do. I am buoyed by love and know I am enfolded in a mantle of pure support for all time. The whole universe conspires to support me, and I am grateful.”
Exercise: Quench Your Thirst for Self-Love
The purpose of this activity is to allow you to begin to experience self-love. Once you truly love yourself, you can share your love more fully with others.
Lie down and quietly rest. Relax your body, mind, and heart. Let your spirit be unbounded. Close your eyes and picture that you are lying on the shore of a beautiful body of water. It’s like a small pond or spring bubbling up in the middle of a gorgeous landscape.
What does your landscape look like? Is it a seaside hot spring? Is it a fresh forest glade with a spring bubbling up? Is it a gorgeous desert oasis with a fresh, life-giving well at its center? With your eyes closed imagine yourself looking around and taking in the landscape. Notice the sights, smells, and sounds.
Bring your attention to this spring or well next to you. Imagine that you dip your hand into it. Feel what the texture of the liquid feels like. Is it cool, fresh water? Is it foam-like bubbles? Is it effervescing, fizzy water? Is it the softest water you’ve ever felt? Absorb it through your hand.
Envision yourself reaching your hand in and scooping some of this water out of the spring and tasting it. What does it taste like? As you drink it down, what does it feel like? This is your well of self-love. Take another drink. And another. Drink your fill.
Now you may just want to rest on the shore and absorb the self-love. If you’d like, you can wade into the spring, float, and absorb self-love into every pore. When you’re ready, come back out and see yourself lying on that edge of the spring feeling relaxed, loving yourself.
When it feels right, bring your attention back to your physical body in the room where you are actually lying. Run your hands up and down your arms and legs. Do it vigorously to bring sensation into them and say aloud, “I’m here now. I’m present.”
Open your eyes when you’re ready. Make sure you feel totally present to yourself. You can rub the bottoms of your feet vigorously to help bring you back completely. Then go about your day filled with self-love.
When we fill our hearts with self-love,
we kindle sparks of compassion all around us.