54. Spirit Writing

Affirmation: “I am loved and held by a benevolent universe
of love and bliss for all time.”

Part of feeling blissful is knowing that we are not alone. We have friends and family to care about how we are doing. Most of these people are alive, and some may not be. There is also an amazing array of spirit helpers all around us all of the time. Depending on our beliefs we might call them different things, like guides, angels, fairies, muses, dakini, ascended masters, etc.

These helpers are available to send us love and be present to us in good times and bad. We can sometimes sense them. Whether we know it or not, our life guides are there all the time. These guides have been with us since birth and will be with us until we transition from this life to our next phase of existence. They give us privacy whenever appropriate, but they are never far. You can connect with them anytime you want. Learn how now!

Exercise: Spirit Writing with Your Life Guides
and Higher Self

Get a notebook or journal ready with a pen nearby. It’s nice to have one journal dedicated to your spiritual journey. In this exercise you will connect with your higher self and one or more life guides.

Get settled in a spot where you can be relaxed and comfortable with your journal in your lap. Close your eyes for a moment and breathe deeply, quieting your mind. Let go of any expectations about this activity and just relax. Simply allow yourself to relax. You don’t have to do anything: just let go.

Say aloud, “I connect with my higher self in a space of joy and bliss.” Take a moment to feel that connection establish. Simply notice.

Now state aloud, “I ask that all that transpires in this spirit writing session be for the very highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none. I ask that I be protected fully during this process and now invite my most highly vibrational life guides to connect with me via my higher self.”

Sit for a moment with your eyes closed and let this all sink in. Feel the guides around you. Bring your hands out in front of you, palms up at about waist level. This should be comfortable to hold for a few minutes, and if it is not, just adjust accordingly. When you are ready, say aloud, “I invite one of my life guides, approved by my higher self, to connect with me now by hovering her or his spirit hands over my hands so we are almost palm to palm.”

Sit and sense for a few minutes. Connect with your guide. Introduce yourself with words either in your mind or aloud. Listen with your spirit senses for their answer when they introduce themselves.

Tell them you would like to spirit write with them and pick up your pen. Close your eyes partway and let your pen start to move. Just let your mind recede and your pen flow. You may write paragraphs, draw, or just write fragments and words. All of it is fine. Keep going until it slows and ceases.

Thank your life guide and say aloud, “I now disconnect from my life guides within this spirit writing session and return to a clear, clean state of high-vibrational being. I leave this session energized and enhanced, and so does my guide. It is done.”

Now, rub your arms and legs vigorously. Make sure you feel fully present to yourself. Also, as you go about your daily activities, take a moment from time to time to remember all the helpers all around you. You are never alone.

Loving spirits are with you every step of the way, cheering you on and offering help when they can. You are never alone. #joyfulliving101
