Affirmation: “I effortlessly let go of my density and dance forward into infinite bliss.”
Sometimes, seeking joy is the simple act of doing what feels good. When you allow yourself to just be you. When you allow yourself to be immersed in the feelings of freedom and celebration and vitality, you can find your true passion.
Doing what feels good is essential to having a high-quality life. You need to feel pleasure on a very regular basis to keep your mood up. This is how you get the feel-good chemicals that keep you feeling positive about life. We can harness the way our bodies work and create a life that is more consistently enjoyable and positive.
You can find a holistic way of positive living that works for you and is in line with your authentic, true self. It’s about knowing that you are a fresh soul, that you are a treasure, and that you deserve ecstasy and light.
You deserve to feel good! And you are responsible for creating a life where that happens every day, many times per day. If you choose to do that, you can dare to come alive. You can discover what it means to be truly happy and to live in the moment. You can live with a new sense of vividness. And you can also experience greater ease and great freedom. You will be inundated with innovative ideas when you do this and you will be radiating and renewing in a luxurious flow of ultimate bliss.
This is the way that life is truly meant to be: blissful and steeped in feelings of sublime enjoyment. You can experience that healthy, kind, loving way of being that enhances you and your planet.
Can you commit to feeling good every day? Can you commit to that and embrace the freedom of feeling good every hour? Can you wrap your mind around the truth that you are unlimited and you can feel good in every moment of your entire life? You are in charge of your experiences and empowered to generate happiness in your life.
Exercise: How to Feel Good
To feel good, you have to jump into a vibration of the positive. You have to choose to be abundant in joy. You have to focus on your true reality of dazzling freedom. You have to make a choice to sparkle and let go of your fears.
The only things that stop you from feeling amazing one hundred percent of the time are fear and lack. These are part of your shadow self, and you must integrate and acknowledge them to let them go.
Make a decision to let go of your fears. Say the following statement aloud: “I allow my fears to dissolve. Everything that was holding me back is an illusion; I get that now. And I choose to step forward, fearless, into pure love. I will prioritize joy in my daily life. I infuse my body with love and joy. I let anything that is not for my highest good simply dissolve in a flood of gentleness, right now. I let go. I will let life and the heart of love lead me into pure bliss.”
How do you feel after you say this aloud? Do you feel fizzing around you as your fears dematerialize? Do you feel relaxed? Do you feel anxious that things are going to change?
Change is good. In fact, it’s one of the best things in the world. So embrace it. Constant change is the reality of existence. Why not enjoy it?
What are five things that would really make you feel good right now? Write down the list and go do one.
Let your fear dissolve and allow love to effervesce
through your being. Be open to feeling good in this moment.