Affirmation: “I celebrate who I am, what I love,
and all of my blessings that lead to joy.”
Your assignment today is to choose one or more things to celebrate. You can choose anything you’d like. There is an endless number of things to celebrate in your life in any moment. Celebration affirms the goodness and positive excitement in your life. And when you focus on and affirm something, you make life decisions that bring more of it into your life. Like attracts like, and what gets attention multiplies.
A celebration validates your life, and you are valid. You matter and deserve to be celebrated. So, think of something you can celebrate today. What amazing choices have you made lately? When have you shared your bounty or loved yourself? Pat yourself on the back. Affirm your validity in the world. You are celebration worthy!
Exercise: How to Celebrate
Bliss comes from daily celebrating. Some celebrations can be blowouts, and some can be quiet celebrations just for you. There are infinite ways to celebrate. Choose one or more from the list below or make up you own. Celebrate something today. It doesn’t have to be a big deal to anyone but you. Maybe you stood up to someone without getting upset. Perhaps you found the perfect gift for your spouse or got all of your weekend cleaning done early and have a wide-open Sunday. Did you make it to the gym before work? Small things are just as celebration worthy as holidays.
Make a sign to adorn your celebration. It could say, “Happy Tenth Day of My New Job!” Or maybe, “Celebrate My Intelligence Day!” or, “Merry New Windshield Wipers Day!” Pick a celebration theme song and make it über upbeat. Play it, dance around, sing along, and change the words to fit your celebration. Get a group of friends together and go bowling or do some other activity to celebrate the weekend.
Want to get really silly? Have a tea party with some stuffed animals and your kids or nieces or nephews! You really celebrate when you get out of your normal routine and relax back into your innate childlike nature. Some of the most memorable moments are born of the slightly silly and outrageous.
To celebrate, you must step into your innate jovial nature. Get out. Have fun. Honor your life. Connect with the fun, jubilant, inner child who loves to celebrate. Feel her or him within you, completely ready to jump for you about life. You need more parties in your life. We all do! Commemorate the good and the great. Celebrate the ordinary and the extraordinary. Find the miraculous in each day. There is always something to celebrate, even if it’s simply a cleansing rain. Appreciate that rain by splashing in puddles and enjoying the sensation of the rain running down your body. Then enjoy a bath at home to warm up.
Make life a celebration. Get yourself a special journal to record one thing to celebrate each day. Appreciate what you have, and you will attract more goodness. You will make choices that bring more goodness to you by celebrating all of your blessings. Your inner child will finally feel fulfilled to be himself or herself, someone who is meant to enjoy and to be in joy. You deserve a life worth celebrating. Go get it and appreciate it.
Each day offers a reason to celebrate.
Find it and experience true bliss.