57. Your True State

Affirmation: “I am a limitless being of oneness.
I am the physical embodiment of joy.
Anything is possible in my life. My true source is joy.”

Your true state is limitless. You are a soaring spirit of pure joy. That is what you really are. Can you feel it deep within? Does the boundlessness of yourself beckon you? Do you dream of flying, skimming eternity with utter joy? Your spirit is unlimited. World traditions call this true state different names. In Sanskrit the word is anahata, which actually means “bliss.”

A free, never-ending, joyful, multihued human is what you truly are. Embrace your true state. Feel how limitless you are.

Stand. Raise your arms straight up above your head. Stretch your body. Reach for the sky. Elongate your torso, arms, and legs. Reach and stretch.

You can be anything. You can do anything. Anything is possible. Stretch and feel this truth. Be limitless for this moment, with no inner naysayer or mind chatter to bring you down. Just be your boundless self for a few moments. Give yourself that gift. Your boundless self is your spirit, and you embody the endlessness of your spirit in your finite body.

Exercise: Stretch Your Limits

This exercise brings the energy of limitless possibility into your physical and mental bodies. When you stretch and physically engage your body, your brain is able to reach outside its usual comfort zone and think of new possibilities. What really happens is that you step into the universal flow. A new and ever-changing energy field becomes available to you. This is a place where your thoughts and willingness to participate in life are all you need to create the life of your dreams. You are your true source of joy and meaning.

Reach for the sky again. Stretch as high as you can. Reach and allow your mind to lighten and expand. Notice that its hold will loosen, and enter into limitless consciousness. Focus your attention on your brow center. This is the center of integration in many yogic traditions, and you are learning to integrate your boundless spirit with your human life and body. Repeat the word “joy.” You might feel a pulse sensation in your brow center. As you physically and energetically stretch higher, you may feel lighter. While in this position of stretching, ask yourself, if all possibilities exist limitlessly, what would you create or change in your life? Brainstorm ten or more answers. Try to keep the feeling of stretching, but bring your arms down and grab your journal. Write your ideas down.

Now get to it! Start enacting your list. Make a plan by writing a date and estimated time next to each item for when you will do each one. Post it somewhere or keep it in your purse. Put the actions in your schedule.

In reality, everyone is unlimited. All limits are simply illusions. Understanding is the breeze that sweeps them away. #joyfulliving101
