58. Honoring Your
Heart Connections
Affirmation: “I celebrate the connections in my life,
from my past, present, and future.
I joyfully accept love in all of its healthy forms!”
Connecting to others is the main way you open your heart to the healing power of love. Love can refresh a tired spirit. It can repair your deepest wounds. It can give life a deeper meaning. Love is one of the riches of life. And it propels you to grow as a person and soul. And love enriches your spirit. The love you shared in this life is your celebration of human being-ness. It’s beautiful.
Take some time to ponder love in your life. Feel how rich you are in love. This love wealth starts with yourself. Your self-love is something to be celebrated. How connected do you feel to yourself?
Self-connection and awareness are immense assets. Knowing yourself deeply helps you create the life you want because you know what you want. That is rarer than you’d think. What if you don’t know what you want?
Exercise: What Do I Want?
Ask yourself the following questions and jot down the answers. See what comes up. Just write whatever comes to mind.
• Who am I, really?
• What do I want in life?
• Who and what are my great loves in this life?
• What do I want more of in my life?
• How can I make that a priority?
Contemplate your answers. Knowing yourself in this way helps you connect to your true self.
Exercise: Throw a Connection Party
In this activity you are making a list. Bring your attention to your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Feel your heart chakra pulse with energy. Your consciousness is connecting to your heart center. Take a moment to feel beautifully connected to yourself.
Ask yourself, “Besides myself, who do I feel most connected to? Is this a healthy connection for my highest good?” If the answer is yes, write down that person’s name.
Now, ask yourself, “Besides myself and the person I was just asking about, who do I feel most connected to? Is this a healthy connection for my highest good?” If the answer is yes, write down that person’s name. Repeat that process so you list the top five people you feel most connected to.
Now plan a celebration! If you are all scattered around the world or have a tough time getting together, you can connect with each of these people individually on the phone or Skype. Share a few words of appreciation about what each person has brought to your life. This might sound like, “Jill, you have been a friend through ups and downs for almost twenty years. I want to celebrate how awesome you are. You are the most talented person I’ve ever met! Cheers!”
Whatever you say just needs to come from the heart. That’s all. Share your gratitude and celebrate the connections in your life. And receive the love that flows back. Celebrate it!
The people we adore in our lives
brighten our days and illuminate our nights.