59. Working with Animal Messages
Affirmation: “I love my animal allies and am grateful
for their support. I accept it.”
The natural world provides you with a rich tapestry of symbolism and energy from which to drink. Animals bring you messages all the time. These can be pets, wild animals, or spirit animals. You can be quenched by the vast love offered from your animal allies.
Have you ever felt like an animal you saw was delivering a message to you? It could have been a pet who knew you needed comfort after a tough day and lavished you with love, or it could be three hawks flying across your path in one day. Animals are messengers of universal life force. They are harbingers of the divine.
Synchronistic occurrences in your life are designed to awaken you to the world beyond the physical, mundane, day-to-day world you see before your eyes. Just beyond the veil an intricate, rich, magical world exists, consisting of currents of energy and sparkles of nature spirits. The world is vibrantly alive in the visible and invisible sense. Opening your spirit eyes to nonphysical reality can illuminate your life into Technicolor. It can enhance your bliss with meaning and interconnection.
In this chapter we will focus on animal allies to guide you into the reality just beyond the one you see before you with your physical eyes. Animals tap into the archetypal and instinctive within us. This opens our cellular memory to a time when connection with the primal nonphysical world was a way of life. This basic connection to our true nature is life affirming.
Exercise: Meet Your Animal Allies
Go outside to do this activity if possible. If you aren’t able to, it will also work indoors.
Lie down or recline in a relaxed, seated position. Quiet your mind for a few minutes and get centered.
Say this invocation aloud: “I ask that all that transpires in this mediation be for the highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law. I now connect with the animal ally in my spirit family who is best suited to connect with me today. I welcome you in love and accept your love and goodness. Come sit next to me on my right, and let’s connect.”
Sit back and send your senses into the area around you. Your animal ally is going to come sit right next to you. Put out your hand to feel the animal. Do you sense what type it is? Have you ever met this being before in physical or nonphysical reality?
Greet it. Connect with your animal ally. Ask it if it has any messages for you. Listen. Converse. Spend time together. Ask your animal ally to send you three real-world signs in the next seven days. If you still aren’t sure who the animal is, the signs may be about that, or they may be a message about your life or one telling you that you are not alone.
When you are done hanging with your animal ally, you can both say farewell and thank you. Sense the animal receding into the background of your awareness. It will go back to the periphery of your spirit family but will be near if you call it to connect again.
Animal allies are all around, offering beauty and connection. #joyfulliving101