Affirmation: “I am grateful for all the goodness in my life.
I thank life for bringing me so much joy.”
Attitudes of gratitude invite you to indulge in the pleasure of being truly grateful. You are blessed. You have so much to be thankful for, and appreciating it all draws more goodness to you. Gratitude is powerful. It is a force of expansive change for the better. Give it a whirl.
Be reminded of who you are now by sinking deeply into the feeling of gratitude. You were born spirit in body. You have lived and loved and laughed. Many beings have helped you on your path. People have come and gone, enhanced the quality of your life and taught you lessons. Who can you thank today?
Think of one person who has made a major difference in your life. How could you thank them? A handwritten card is so rare now that it seems extra special to receive one. Perhaps you could send one. Or you could do something else that is fitting for that person.
But what if you realize you want to thank someone you are unable to contact? They might be deceased or you might just not have their contact information anymore. Instead, you can do a gratitude ceremony for them to offer that energy to life.
Exercise: Hold a Gratitude Ceremony
Create sacred space. Do this by focusing on love and making a beautiful environment that is quiet and calm. Do some deep breathing to relax the mind. Now bring to mind the person you want to thank. Think of them fondly. Picture them before you. Express your thanks aloud in as little or as much detail as you choose.
Now say, “I release this gratitude to life to be correctly delivered in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none.” Feel the gratitude go out. When that is complete, say aloud, “I now disconnect from _________ as needed for my highest good and the highest good of all life. Go in beauty.”
It is very simple to express gratitude. It is simply an exchange of loving energy. You can be conscious of thanking those you care for every day. Putting more gratitude out into life brings more goodness and bliss back into your life. Live gratefully!
Gratitude opens your heart to receive more goodness.
Then you give thanks and are blessed again.
It’s an endless circle.