Affirmation: “I jump into color bliss,
today and every day!”
Some people really smell or hear color. They have synesthesia, a phenomenon in which two sensory pathways are simultaneously stimulated. Those people are often highly creative and intuitive.
Your vision is a sense for which to be supremely grateful. So much richness and beauty can be experienced through your eyes. The beauty of color can be seen in all its gloriousness. But what about your other senses?
Picture the color turquoise. What might it sound like?
Envision the color purple. What might it smell like?
How about vibrant fuchsia? What do you imagine it would taste like?
Beautiful bliss is offered up as a daily experience to us by the world of color. Start opening your senses to it and appreciating the abundance of beauty around you.
You can tap into your creative and intuitive gifts by consciously combining sensory sensations. For example, when you eat an orange, look at the color and enjoy the taste, smell, and feel of the juice. Then ask yourself what this color would sound like. If it was music, imagine it.
Think and feel out of the box with color to expand your cognitive function, create a richer life experience, and appreciate beauty. Find the bliss of color. It’s all around!
Exercise: Colors of the Body
Playing with color can improve your mood and uplift your spirit, both of which are beneficial to your overall health. In this exercise you’ll be doing just that in several different ways.
Gather some paper and colorful art supplies. Outline the silhouette of a person or draw a stick figure. Draw circles or spirals where each of the traditional seven chakras or energy centers is thought to exist: the tailbone or base of the spine, the navel, the solar plexus, the sternum, the throat, the center of the forehead, the top of the head.
Apply creative colors to the chakra illustration. Use any medium—colored glue, sand, foods, paints, etc. Do this intuitively; unfocus your eyes and let your rational mind disengage. The colors might not be in traditional “chakra order.” Hang your drawing up and appreciate its beauty.
The more you work with color and light, the better you feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Enjoy colorful foods, put glasses of colored water on sunlit windowsills, create art using color, dance while connecting with different colors, try colored light bulbs in your home, and explore music and color at the same time.
You can say the following affirmative statement to increase your health with color: “I, _________ (your name here), am a Technicolor being. I am made of light and color. I exist in a world of supportive vibrancy, and my life is aligned with my infinite spectrum of color-being and light-being. Color vibration is my ally while enhancing my life with joy and perfection.”
Vivid living is your destiny! You are a being of color and light. Unleash your bliss.