61. Nature’s Support

Affirmation:I am nature, and I am grateful.

Nature is a self-regulating system of balance, and humans are part of nature. You are part of nature, even if you are the most die-hard city person. You are nature. And nature has its own innate consciousness and intelligence.

Nature’s consciousness wants to support you. The more you are part of nature, the more connected you feel and the more support you can accept from nature as a whole. You eat nature; it’s your food. You drink nature; it quenches your thirst. You appreciate nature; it offers beauty. It’s time to thank nature for your abundance.

What are all the many ways nature heals you? How does nature support you? How do you support nature?

When you walk outside, nature embraces you. It offers you gorgeous vistas for your eyes. It sings you sweet odes with songbirds and crickets. It offers you beautiful aromas from plants and flowers. Nature caresses your skin with gentle, pleasant breezes. And it gives you flashes of flavor that tantalize your taste buds from the foods you eat.

Nature mirrors you because you are nature. Yes, sometimes nature is a gorgeous, glistening sea brimming with tranquility and reflecting sunlight. But other times that sea roils under the powerful presence of a thunderstorm or hurricane. Sometimes, it is dramatically sucked up into a quick and potent waterspout. Everything exists in nature: creation, maturation, sharing, destruction, and rebirth. Nature teaches you about life.

Like nature, you create things, and sometimes through nature you create people. Like nature, you mature in different ways over time, and so do your ideas. Like nature, you share your bounty. Like nature, you destroy when you eat a living plant or drive over a living thing. And like nature, you are reborn through your learning and growth. But no matter what, life marches on, just like it does with nature. And one day when you transition out of your current body, your soul will move on to the next facet of nature it chooses to explore.

Nature offers bliss. It’s in the pleasurable moments. The smell and sights of vibrant flowers, the sensory moments of swimming in clear waters, the gentle breezes, the exhilaration of dramatic lightning—you receive so much from nature with no thought of reciprocation. Nature gives freely so we can live and be happy. It’s time to give back.

Exercise: Thanking Nature

In this exercise you will offer your gratitude to nature in order to become even more balanced as a part of nature. You are nature, and by thanking nature you can align with the world around you to experience more health and well-being and live more blissfully.

Gather some materials of your choice. Use natural materials from outside, like flowers, sticks, rocks, sand, seaweed, feathers, grass, soil, leaves, and bark. Choose to receive what is freely given, meaning choose a leaf that has already fallen as opposed to plucking one off a living tree.

Put your materials together and make something. You might use some glue or string. Create a beautiful nature sculpture.

Bring it outside, present it to nature, and speak aloud your heartfelt thanks. Sit there afterward and listen. Feel nature respond. Notice the elementals of the area too. They will love the sculpture. When you are done, say thank you and go about your day.

You are part of nature, and its pulse beats in your veins.
