62. Creating a Blissfully Happy Day

Affirmation: “I am worthy of daily joy, and I will treat myself
to a glorious day of complete bliss at least once per month.”

You deserve a blissful, happy day. And you deserve that day to be every day! Create your best life with your consciously chosen actions, words, and thoughts. Find your bliss with decisive confidence.

This entry is all about what would make a truly blissful, truly happy, complete day for you. You need to give yourself a treat often. So we are going to lay it all out, and you are going to make it happen. Let’s start by thinking about what bliss is to you.

Bliss: What does that word evoke for you? What experiences create that feeling for you? Make a list.

Joy: When you hear that word what do you picture? When do you feel true joy? Make another list.

Happiness: In what moments have you felt perfectly happy? Do any peak experiences come to mind? List them.

Really listen to yourself and ponder what happiness is to you. Focus on your heart and what it feels like there when you experience bliss, joy, and happiness. Internalize the fact that you deserve to feel those feelings as much as humanly possible. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be joyful. You deserve to be in total bliss because you are perfect exactly as you are. You matter, and this world needs you happy, healthy, and joyful. So let’s find your blissful day today.

Exercise: Schedule a Day of Bliss

In this exercise you’re going to use the lists that you’ve just made to plan a day of bliss just for yourself. It may seem strange to do this, because often we are so focused on making others happy that we forget about ourselves. Planning a day just for you will help remind you that you are important too.

Get out your calendar and your journal.

Look at the list that you just made about what bliss, joy, and happiness feel like for you. Now look at your calendar and find a day within the next thirty days that you can set aside one hundred percent for yourself. No work, no obligations, no kids (if you have them), no family—this is a day just for you. Pencil in that day of bliss.

Now let’s plan it. Look at your list of blissful feelings and experiences from earlier. Which of those could you make happen that day? What could you do to evoke that feeling?

Would you feel blissful at the spa with your best friends? Or at the pool splashing in the sun?

Select something from the bliss category and put that into the schedule for that day.

Do the same thing from the joy and happiness categories. See if you can fit three really blissful, joyful, happy things into this day. You can do this by yourself or invite friends or family who only enhance you; no one who you have to take care of, babysit, counsel, or do anything but have complete unabashed fun with is allowed here.

As you plan this special day to celebrate your bliss, ask yourself how much laughter each possible activity will provide. How much joy and enjoyment will you experience? Indulge your senses on this day. Ignite your joie de vivre. Step outside your usual box and go for the peak experiences. You deserve it!

Make a commitment to schedule a day like this for yourself every month or so, and make joy and happiness a top priority, no matter what.

Set aside even one day just for fun,
and you will improve the next seven.
