Affirmation: “My ancestors offer me bliss, love, and light.
I gratefully receive that which is for my highest good and release
the rest back into the pure, white light.”
You have so many ancestors, and they are all eternal in the space of love. You may know about some of them, and there may be many that you have never heard of before. You have an endless, benevolent crowd of ancestors positively cheering you on from all over the universe. When spirits leave their bodies, all kinds of unique things happen, but eventually they end up back in communion with the universal heart of love. And from that space, they often shine a unique and benevolent light on those who hailed from their lineage after they left the earth.
You may have many ancestral spirits that you met before they passed away or heard of from family members. It’s likely you also have many other ancestral spirits available that you’ve never heard of. There are endless positive, loving members of your extended family smiling down on you.
This truth speaks of the eternal nature of bliss. Souls can find bliss both when incarnated and when in nonphysical reality. You can attract your blissful, benevolent, high-vibrational ancestors and invite them to help you and ease your journey in this life.
Oftentimes it is a great learning experience for the ancestral spirits to be around you. Cheering you on and helping you out gives them a unique and special job. Everybody wins!
Think about the things different family members have said to you on this topic over the years. For example, maybe your mother says that she sometimes senses her grandfather with her, your grandmother knows that her favorite uncle is around the house in a certain room, or somebody on your father’s side knows that there are generations of people before him who help the family.
It’s likely that many ancestral spirits want to pay it forward. They want to share their caring and goodness with you now that they have returned to the heart of love. Let them enhance your bliss!
Exercise: Ancestral Allies
Get a piece of paper and pen and write the following statement: “I invite my highest-vibrational, loving, benevolent ancestral spirits to bless me with their love and support as needed for my highest good and the highest good of all life. You may visit me very gently in my dreams with only loving, joyful, blissful, and positive messages. These interactions will only enhance us both and leave me feeling completely rested and rejuvenated in the morning. I ask that I easily remember these interactions and that the entire experience is always for my highest good.”
Take the piece of paper, fold it up, and place it in your pillowcase tonight. You can leave it there as long as you want. Keep a journal next to your bed so that when you wake up in the morning, you can quickly write down any fragments of memory from your loving ancestral interactions.
Ancestors from all times have shared their essence with you.
Accept the light and let go of the rest.