Affirmation: “I respect myself and receive joy from all directions.”
Feeling amazing creates great joy. Enjoying life, experiencing pleasure, and feeling great are necessary ingredients to living your bliss. You deserve to feel amazing. You deserve to treat yourself. You deserve to enjoy your life, your senses, your relationships, and the love in your heart. You deserve ultimate bliss. Go after it! Feel amazing today!
You must respect yourself to feel amazing. You have to know that you are worth the effort of putting in the time and energy to create a life of bliss. You have to do everything in your power to drill that into your brain, no matter how stubborn you might be.
You are worthy of respect and kindness. You must respect yourself and respect your desire to live a life of bliss. You must take action to put that into practice every day. You are responsible for your life. Take ownership of it now.
Why would little old you be worthy of respect and kindness? Because you exist! Because you are a radiant soul of light. Because you are beautiful. No matter who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, what your parents told you, or what society told you, you are extraordinary.
You are the only one who can take responsibility to create your extraordinary life.
Exercise: Trusting Yourself
Get out your journal. Write down this statement: “I am worthy of respect and kindness; I am sacred.” “Sacred" means precious, special, and a treasure of true beauty. That’s you!
Here is your real challenge. You must make a commitment, right now, to live this truth from this day forward. That means whatever you say about yourself will be only steeped in respect, kindness, and loving sacredness for yourself. Nothing else. You may never say an unkind word about yourself again. Make this commitment now. Write down what it means to you and what it might be like. Write down your commitment with decisive confidence. Make some powerful decrees about how you treat yourself right now.
Next, you must make a commitment to act in accordance with honoring your worthiness of respect and kindness and honoring your sacredness. Every action must reflect your love for yourself. No other options but loving yourself and acting that way are on the table anymore. Write down this truth and how you feel about it.
Endeavor only to think kindly and respectfully about yourself. If you catch yourself thinking, saying, or doing anything that is contrary to this tenant, gently stop, notice, and make a decision to change it right away. There’s no judgment when you slip. To err is human; to forgive yourself is divine. And to be responsible for loving, respecting, and honoring yourself is the ultimate accomplishment in your life. Kudos!
Now you can trust yourself. You have no question about how respectfully you will insist upon being treated. Get ready to feel free! Get ready for soaring bliss! You are the source of your bliss, and you just stepped into it.
Love yourself like you would a treasured lover
or a cherished child.