Affirmation: “I embrace new experiences every day. I revel in the fun adventures I create for myself and absorb their blissful gifts.”
Daily bliss is deeply enhanced by novelty. The interesting and stimulating in your life keep things vibrant and engaging. Getting stuck in a rut happens when we don’t try new experiences. So instead of monotony, sometimes we must choose adventure. New horizons reveal that we have only scratched the surface of possibility and there are still exciting opportunities to learn and grow.
New adventures tell you, “There is more to uncover here.” New experiences keep you engaged and loving life. They dangle the enticing carrot of discovery before you, saying, “Here is a new challenge” or “Don’t miss the fun!”
Let yourself wake up to new dimensions by trying things you may not have tried before. You will find new ways of thinking and being. Newness increases your vitality. You have more sparkling, crackling aliveness to yourself. You also feel more creative and more apt to get up off your couch and create something. With each new positive experience, your bliss level will soar.
Reach out of your comfort zone and plan weekends of newness. Identify day trips to fun new places. Preparing for new experiences and adventures is part of the fun. The anticipation brings a burst of zest to your life. A richer, more colorful palette of experiences is available to you as you become open to newness. Pack a lunch and get going!
When you try something new, you are transported into a scene that you have never been in. How will you behave? What will be your favorite part? New experiences give us a chance to get to know ourselves better and discover new parts of ourselves. If you grab a friend, family member, or spouse to join you on a new adventure, you learn about them too. How do they respond to new moments? What do they love doing?
New experiences bring us into a more playful mindset. We find our inner child a bit. We let go more. We relax into life, yet we are engaged because of the newness. These two ingredients, novelty and play, are a recipe for stress relief. Yes! Seemingly elusive and much sought, relief from the daily grind and its stress is worth a bit of effort.
Exercise: Every Day Is New
Make a list of the top ten new things on the planet you would most like to experience. They can be large or small experiences, from visiting the pyramids to trying the newest coffee drink, but aim for half or more to be accessible on a daily basis.
Why are these experiences important to you? Make a vow to yourself that you will do at least one of those things daily for the next week. Which experience will you focus your attention on today? What step can you take now to move closer to making that happen?
Next, outline what step would follow the first step. Do you need to prepare anything or just do it? What are the rest of the steps to make that experience happen for you?
Commit now to taking these steps, following through in ways that will propel you to live new, novel, engaging experiences. Write the following statement in your journal: “I, _________ your name here), being of sound mind, body, and spirit, choose to restructure my priorities to accommodate enjoying and learning from life through new experiences. I allow these experiences to flow forth from my endless supply of potential experiences.”
Begin to plan your next fresh experience soon after your first. Prioritizing novelty and excitement in your life keeps you engaged and joyful.
Fresh moments ignite the senses. Create them.