Affirmation: “I embrace every day as an opportunity
to live fully and with total heart!”
What if you had one day left on earth? What would you do? Would you want to make sure everyone in your life who cared about you knew? Would you commune with spirit in deep meditation? Would you party like a wild child? Would you create the most glorious art or music?
One day only. What would you do?
Would you spend the day crying over losing your attachments? Or would you look forward to the next phase of your soul’s adventure?
Many faced with this question think of those they love. We feel the attachment. The reality is that we are connected in love for all time. Love doesn’t require physical proximity: it transcends space and time.
Today could be your one day. Do you have the courage to plant a big kiss on it? This isn’t supposed to inspire fear or sadness but, conversely, joy. Be in bliss for a life well lived. Start living right and stop playing small. Be huge.
Exercise: One Day of Massive Love
With only today to live, many people would want to make sure that those they loved knew just how much they are adored. In order to live for today, we will embrace those we care for in this exercise. By doing this, we will deepen our connections and feel gratitude for our connections and the joy they bring. Who needs to be told that you love them? If this were your last day, who would you want to know you care?
Make a list. Try to tell them every day. Some ways to do that are with a greeting card, verbally, through an e-mail, by posting a picture of you together on Instagram, by sending them a gift, by offering them your time, by sharing your attention, and by giving a valentine.
Every day, tell your heartmates that you love them. All the love energy flowing from you will return in a cascade of love to you. Ride that wave home, and be in bliss.
Every day could be your last, so share your love far and wide
with everyone you adore.