7. Weather Any Weather

Affirmation: “I am worth the effort of creating a blissful life.
I choose to care for myself like a treasured lover. I love myself.”

The heart is one of the top things that create joy. Your heart feels bliss. Your body dances in joy. Your spirit soars with bliss. When your heart feels happy, that emotional, energetic organ experiences pleasure. Pleasure and joy beget bliss. And a happy heart is an essential ingredient to enhancing your bliss. Get a happy heart today!

Having a blissful life and a happy heart means having the life skills to weather any weather. Some of life’s moments can be tough, some bursting with intense happiness, and some everything in between. Life engages the full spectrum of our emotions. Learning to weather storms and maximize sunny days is something that happens as we get better and better at living our peak lives. We can acquire the skills to surf all kinds of life’s waves with ease and joy.

It is good to know what your emotional baseline is—that is, know the set level of happiness and satisfaction you feel. By figuring that out, you can discover how you are emotionally predisposed. From there you can raise your emotional happiness quotient as needed to find balance amid all of life’s situations.

Exercise: Find Your Emotional Happiness Quotient

Answer the following questions.

1. Most of the time if I went inside and felt my internal environment, it would feel _________.

A. Serene

B. Excited

C. Reserved

D. Productive

E. Joyful

F. Restful

G. Balanced

H. Optimistic

2. On a standard day, inside I would be the following types of colors: _________.

A. Pastel and light

B. Bright and shimmering

C. Muted and soothing

D. Earthy and grounded

3. I feel _________ most of the time.

A. Morose

B. Down in the dumps

C. Neutral

D. Joyous

E. Ecstatic

4. Which statement describes you best?

A. I would like my average emotional baseline to be higher.

B. I am satisfied with my emotional baseline.

5. Which statement describes you best?

A. I would like to improve the way I feel when reacting to an external circumstance.

B. I am proud of the way I feel when reacting to external circumstances.

Answer Key

Question 1

A or H: You lean toward liking the energy of the color white, symbolizing the divine. You are a sensitive soul and need to keep your environment gentle to maintain a positive emotional environment.

B or E: You lean toward liking things lively and active. You enjoy social pursuits and are great with people. Positive social interactions keep your emotional baseline high. You might like to add meditation to your day to help you relax.

C or F: You lean toward chilling out. You need quiet and calm to stay balanced. Too much excitement can be disruptive for you, so make sure you build in plenty of downtime to balance your activities. Make sure to try new activities regularly to keep engaged in life.

D or G: You lean toward emotional balance. You are great at navigating life’s curveballs. You enjoy the good moments. Make sure you stay balanced with plenty of yoga or exercise.

Question 2

A: Your propensity is toward the positive and gentle. Stick with that and choose the light each day to keep motivated. You thrive on positivity.

B: Your propensity is toward the dazzling and radiant. Tap your inner energy to drive yourself forward. You thrive on enthusiasm.

C: Your propensity is toward the subtle and methodical. You take your time and make steady progress. You thrive on routine.

D: Your propensity is toward the organic and intuitive. Follow your gut feelings and stay focused on the present reality, and you will make your mark. You thrive on fecundity.

Question 3

A or B: It is critical that you make raising your emotional baseline a top priority. Make a commitment today to caring for and nurturing yourself. Launch a full-scale life-improvement and self-appreciation policy. You are worth it!

C: How could you raise your emotional baseline? Perhaps add one joyful act per day, every day. Try it!

D or E: You are in good shape. Keep doing what you are doing!

Question 4

A: Awesome! You are well in line with a positive emotional baseline. Keep at it!

B: You can raise your emotional baseline and feel even more blissful in your life. Try treating yourself several times per week to up your enjoyment of life.

Question 5

A: Commit to daily joy to improve how you feel each day.

B: Wonderful. It’s still a great idea to commit to even a few minutes of daily joy. Your life will become even sweeter.

Getting in touch with how you are feeling at this moment will help you make conscious choices to improve your mood and outlook as needed to live a joyful life. You have the power to enliven your life. You’re worth the effort.

Emotions of every color create the rich work of art that is life.
