Affirmation: “I am one with all life.
I am connected to all the goodness in all the universes.”
Nature can inspire feelings of transcendence and spiritual connection. You can feel the energy in nature. When you take a walk on the beach, your cares melt away. When you hike an old growth forest, your problems seem insignificant, and you relax. Sometimes we aren’t on a pristine beach or in a majestic forest, but we can still connect with nature wherever we are. The following exercise will help you build that connection.
Exercise: Interconnection Is All Around
If you can get outside, perfect. If not, position yourself so you can see out a window. Get settled and comfy. Observe your natural surroundings. Notice their energy and presence. Appreciate their beauty.
If it is daytime, check out the clouds. If you are gazing at a totally cloudless sky, notice the birds or stones around you. If it is night, look at the stars, or if it’s cloudy, observe the trees or plants nearby.
Settle on one thing to pay attention to, such as clouds or stars. Start to expand your perspective as if your peripheral vision is widening. Keep your eyes facing the center and count how many of the clouds or stars you can see in one snapshot of your vision. Is it a lot? Notice their beauty.
Now look around, turning your head to see as much as you can from your perch. How many of your clouds or stars do you count? Is it many more than your single field-of-vision snapshot or a similar amount?
Sometimes noticing, and even quantifying, beauty can highlight it. Even if you are in a crowded city, there are still clouds and stars to remind you of the fact that you are surrounded by nature’s beauty. This shows us grace in our environment no matter where we are.
Bring your attention to the fact that you are connected to each cloud, each star, each rock, each bird, each leaf, each plant—everything. All is connected. Each star is part of you. Each blade of grass out your window is connected to you because you are literally made of the same elements as everything that surrounds you, just in different quantities.
Slowing down and noticing your environment and the magnificence in nature wherever you are helps you feel the truth that you are one with all! Appreciate that amazing spiritual knowing today. It is a gift.
Nature offers splendor and artistry for us to appreciate. Opening our senses reveals we are surrounded by magnificence. #joyfulliving101