73. Peace and Calm

Affirmation: “Joyful peace pervades my being for all time.”

Happiness in your heart creates contentment, peace, and calm that can enhance your life. Joy and happiness make your life feel full, rich, and complete. With a life like that and a happy heart, you can find true peace within.

Even if your joyful experiences are amped up and exciting, they will actually provide the perfect counterpoint to let you experience the pleasure of calmness and the easiness of peace. You will feel the joy of relaxation. Everyone needs downtime and a chance to revive and restore. Everyone needs tranquility and serenity; everyone needs peace and calm. Your joy enables you to have this in a healthy, happy way.

We all need rest amid the ebb and flow of life. Balance helps you maintain health and a positive outlook. Sometimes there are euphoric highs and joyful celebrations, and sometimes you spend quiet days at home curled up with a flavorful cup of tea and a warm blanket. Those types of moments provide us comfort and ease, and we need that along with all the euphoric joy we can stand. Give yourself the gift of a calm and quiet mind. Give yourself a gift of peace, calm, and all that is tranquil.

Exercise: Relax into Bliss

This activity will open you to the calm side of bliss. It’ll help you sink into peacefulness so that you can feel happiness more deeply in your heart.

Lie down and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, and let yourself begin to uncoil and unwind. Let the stress of the week slip away for a few minutes. Really feel the couch or bed beneath you, how it’s supporting you, and how it’s providing a foundation for you to find rest and ease. Feel grateful for that.

Now, bring your attention to the palms of your hands. Notice if they’re buzzing or relaxed, if they feel lifeless or full of life. Bring your attention to your brow center, the point right between your eyebrows. Keep your attention there as you feel the pulse and energy of that area. Keep bringing your attention back there. Feel that brow center.

Now bring your attention to the arches of your feet. Feel that pulse. Bring your attention to your knees and feel that pulse. Do the same with your hips, your navel, the center of your chest, and the center of your throat.

Bring your attention back to the brow center. Let peace and calm wash over you, and let your mind rest. Keep your energy there to restore your vitality and charge back up. Experience the bliss of relaxation amid an energized body and quiet mind.

When you are ready, say aloud, “I am blissfully at peace, and I carry this through the rest of my day.” Return to daily life.

You can use this quick activity to give your inner battery a recharge. You can recharge your body, mind, and heart with this quick experience of peace and calm.

Cultivating daily calm, even for a few minutes,
yields a core of centered wellness.
