Affirmation: “I jump for joy every day. My body pulses with joy, and my vibration soars. I feel amazing.”
Joy is your birthright. You were supposed to be born into a world of joyful ecstasy. It may have been a bumpy ride on the planet, but you can claim your joy now.
Joy is about movement and action. It’s about jumping, stomping, laughing, dancing, flying, and swimming. Joy is an idea, but it’s also an action or state of being. You can do joy. You also can be joy. You embody joy. Joy can pervade every part of your life if you let it.
Exercise: Joy Jumping
Go outside or find a brightly lit, colorful spot in your home. Plant your feet squarely on the ground and feel connected to the earth. If you are in your home or indoors somewhere, bring your awareness to the floor and think about the earth beneath it, even if it is one or more floors below.
Say aloud, “I choose joy in this moment, from a powerful, deep, strong core of radiance within me.” Bend your knees and launch yourself into the air by jumping, and yell the word “joy.” Do this three times in a row. Joy. Joy. Joy.
Feel your feet on the ground again and the earth beneath you. Feel the energy running through your body. It might feel hot or tingly.
Do your joy jumping again three more times in a row. Joy. Joy. Joy. Feel the energy running through your body. Feel your heart beating. Feel the world around you pulsing. How high did you jump? Can you jump higher?
Do one last round of three joy jumps. Joy. Joy. Joy.
Feel the energy of joy coursing through your body. This is the energy you need to feel every single day. This is the energy that will power your life to heights of success, pinnacles of performance, and a bonanza of bliss. Jump for joy today and every day.
The jump toward joy encompasses your life with boundless energy. #joyfulliving101