79. Sharing Leads to Happiness

Affirmation: “I share my love and gratefully accept love
as it flows back to me.”

You can become a happiness junkie in a healthy way by noticing when good feelings crop up and what elicited them. It could be an activity, a situation, a person, a personal choice to be positive, or something else. Those magical ingredients are your path to an enchanting, evocative, rich, robust life of bliss.

Often happiness occurs when you are giving of yourself. If you are connecting, sharing, and giving your love, it naturally comes back to you, and before you know it, you are feeling deep happiness. Getting out and being with others who care for you and for whom you care leads to good feelings, dissipates loneliness, and causes happy moments.

Exercise: Giving and Sharing

In this exercise you will think of how you can give of yourself. This is a powerful happiness enhancer because when you give of yourself, you don’t have time to think about how your boss is irritating you or how you are worried about your boyfriend. You are busy engaging with life and sharing your bounty. Giving shines a light on how abundant you really are.

There are endless ways to give and share your own inner goodness. In your journal, make a list of ways you can give back. Here are some ideas: volunteer at a local charity, share your expertise with someone just starting out in your field, send a loving greeting card to a dear friend, or put together a special homemade gift for a treasured family member. Share your joy with animals by volunteering at your local animal shelter or hugging and loving your pets or others’ pets.

Choose one or two items from your list that interest you, and commit to doing one or more today. When you give and share, you tap into your love for others as well as yourself. That love naturally spills over to you.

Giving from the heart lights a flame of kindness,
forever illuminating your world.
