82. Look and You’ll Find It

Affirmation: “I look for beauty every day and find it everywhere. My bliss is enhanced!”

Every day, life gifts you beauty. There is a moment, at least one and likely many, where beauty is staring you in the face. Can you find it? It’s easy when you know to look. Start with the last interaction you had with another person. What moment during it was beautiful? Was it the loving greeting? Was it the hug at the end? Was it the fact that you were petting their cute dog during the conversation? Beauty is everywhere, and there is an abundance of both obvious beauty and subtle beauty to be appreciated.

What about the beauty between two people you know who have relationship issues? Is their learning and personal growth poignantly beautiful to you? How about the beauty of the productive day’s work done by the gardeners in your neighborhood? Yes, they create beauty. And it feeds their souls even though it is sometimes laborious.

An attitude of optimism can help you uncover daily beauty. This enhances your bliss and makes your life more joyful and rich. You really can’t go wrong with the optimistic pursuit of daily beauty. Your life will be richer and more fulfilling for it. Your reason for being will be clearer too.

Exercise: Look Closely

In this activity you are going to be writing about things of beauty at various points in your life. This will start getting you in the habit of noticing beauty in everything around you, which will nourish your spirit.

Get your journal and a writing instrument. Think back to yesterday. Choose one or more moments or experiences of beauty to list. Subtle or obvious beauty is good. Reflect on today and do the same.

Next, think back five years. Identify any day you can remember. It might be for positive or less-than-positive reasons. On that day, what beauty did you experience?

There need not be a story attached to the rest of the day. Just name the beauty. That is all. Take that with you; release your attachment to the rest.

Think back to high school. What was a moment when you experienced beauty? Write about just the beauty; the rest is in the past. The energy of the beauty can nourish you for life, though.

Last, reflect back on your childhood. Don’t get caught up in judging if it was good or bad. Just let a moment of beauty come to you and make a note of it.

Throughout your life, there is beauty. It is available to nourish your spirit in perpetuity. You can let everything go, but keep the good, nourishing, joyful energy. Now that is finding bliss!

Find the beauty in situations where it is not obvious,
and you will create voluminous joy in your life.
