83. Grateful Living

Affirmation: “I live a grateful life, and the result is pure joy and happiness.”

Living a grateful life can guarantee you higher levels of passion, joy, happiness, and sparkle in your life. When you live gratefully, you live in the moment. You make time for playing because you feel grateful for the good feelings it inspires. You feel more radiant because you give and share and are grateful.

Being grateful on a regular basis requires confidence in the power of gratitude. When you dare to be confident that your gratitude can change your life and the world, you attract more goodness to you. You realize that life is a treasure and so are you. You see the richness in each experience. You create paradise on earth for yourself.

Living from a place of gratitude gives you freedom to explore, feel, love, and be grateful for all the success and abundance you have received. When you’re grateful, you’re nurtured by what you are grateful for. So if you are grateful for nature, nature will nurture you back. If you’re grateful that you are able to be yourself, you’ll experience the endless possibilities that your own being can create. If you’re grateful for beauty, you’ll see more beauty in your life every day. If you’re grateful for passionate experiences, you’ll magnetize more and more possibilities for endless, sublime, sexy, passionate experiences to come to you. If you’re grateful for the light and the love in your life, you will magnetize more of that in a fresh, pure, and even luxurious way. Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces for creating a blissful life. It’s so sensational because it can bring forward inspiration and restoration; you recognize how wonderful your life is and affirm it by being grateful.

Even when life gives you lemons, if you choose to be grateful for them and then take the initiative to make lemonade out of them, you are embodying resourceful gratitude. And being a force of living gratitude is how to find your calling, find love, be fully present in every moment, and enjoy the ride. Gratitude directly creates happiness and bliss.

Exercise: Your Gratitude Style

Take this quiz to find out the flavor of gratitude that resonates for you.

1. How would you most like to thank your spouse, partner, or friend for supporting you through a tough week at work?

A. By giving a heartfelt gift, like flowers with a nice note or something small and special they had their eye on

B. By making a card with a long, loving ode of your appreciation

C. By cooking their favorite meal and watching their favorite movie

2. What is your favorite way to be thanked?

A. With a cute little gift that shows that the friend knows what you love and took the time to give it to you

B. With e-mails and letters of appreciation that extol the gratitude in words that touch the heart

C. By being surprised by a fun outing, like roller-skating, a great hike, or a trip to see your favorite movie

3. What does the ultimate thank-you card look like?

A. It has a design and creativity, and it sparkles. The graphics are exciting and enchanting.

B. The words on the front truly and lyrically express the gratitude that you feel for the exact person you’re giving the card to.

C. This card is about doing. It urges the receiver to get out and treat themselves because the giver is thankful for their help.

Answer Key

Mostly As

If you picked mostly As, your gratitude style is one of giving and receiving small, heartfelt gifts. If you have a physical token in front of you, it really drives home the point that you are being thanked, and you like to share that same kind of gratitude in a physical form with others.

Mostly Bs

If you picked mostly Bs, you are a wordsmith. You like to share your appreciation and thankfulness through words, written or spoken. You like to receive appreciation through words and have the cause and feeling of gratitude be clearly and meticulously delineated. You can use words to thank others and really communicate how grateful you are.

Mostly Cs

If you picked mostly Cs, you are a doer and a person of action. Therefore, you prefer to give and receive gratitude through action and through sharing your time and effort. You like to receive gratitude in the form of people participating in something with you or doing something for you. You like to give gratitude the same way by doing something to make someone’s life easier or by sharing time together while being active.

You can use your gratitude style to live an even more grateful life. You can certainly put emphasis on your main gratitude style, but at the same time you can also focus on offering gratitude in all forms. You can be a well-rounded, grateful person sharing your thankfulness in a wide variety of ways.

There are endless ways to thank the people who have contributed to your life. Dole out thanks, and your life will bloom. #joyfulliving101
