Affirmation: “The joy of the bee tribes infuses my life
with sweetness.”
According to PBS’s NOVA website, the bee communicates through dance. This animal is a symbol of abundance, femininity, and the sweetness of life. From sacred Egyptian sites decorated with bee imagery to bees in ancient Greek myth and stories, cultures have revered the bee since antiquity. Further back in ancient times, the bee goddesses dripped honey, sharing their abundance and goodness with all.
In the book Clan of the Goddess: Celtic Wisdom and Ritual for Women, the author, C. C. Brondwin, explains that the Celts loved bees because they used honey to produce mead, a sweet and intoxicating drink that they enjoyed and believed helped them connect with otherworldly spirits. Mead is associated with the goddess Medb, sometimes referred to as Maebh or Maeve.
If we look at all this mythology, we find that it focuses on sweetness and goodness and on the femininity and abundance associated with bees. We can easily extrapolate how bees created a form of bliss. Something sweet and enchanting can help us feel a sense of it: the senses are pleased and engaged.
When we honor the sacred feminine and acknowledge our abundance, we feel good. Pleased. We feel full and rich in a life of diverse bounty and beautiful feminine energy, no matter what our gender might be.
Tap into the joy of the bees in the hive of happiness today! Open your heart to the sweetness of life.
Exercise: The Sweet Way
Joy is found in the sweetness of life. You can experience it right now. Enjoy this activity to tap into your own joyful sweetness.
Gather honey and a spoon. If you do not have any honey in the house, you can imagine this sweet, delicious taste. Get comfortable and lie down.
Take a little taste of honey. Place it in your mouth, hold it there for a while before you swallow it, and close your eyes. Bring your singular attention to the sweetness of the honey in your mouth. Allow the honey to gently alter your consciousness. Let yourself begin to feel the home of the hive that created this honey. The more wild and raw your honey is, the better this will work.
As you lie there with your eyes closed, envision yourself miniaturized inside a humming hive of bees. Feel yourself resting on the honeycombs. Let your sense of spirit-smell take in the ambrosial scent all around you. You can even imagine you are eating some of the honey that surrounds you, or you could even envision yourself rubbing it on your arms and legs like a soothing spa cream.
Feel yourself absorbing the essence of the hive around you. Absorb the pollen, the honeycomb, the honey, and the hum of the bees. Let yourself connect with the bees that inhabit the hive. Feel them surround you gently, lovingly.
Physically hold your hands out as you lie there with your eyes closed and feel the bees of the hive gather on your hands, their feet gently kissing your skin. These bees love you. They will only help you and never harm you. Let your hands absorb the hum and the energy of the bees. Take it into your body. Let all of these sensations crash together in a wave of joy.
Let yourself feel the happiness of the hive. Everyone is in unity here. All of the bees are a team. Stay here as long as you would like and absorb their bliss.
When you are ready, you can begin to bring your awareness back to the room and carry the sweetness you experienced with you throughout your day. Feeling the sweet essence of the honey and bees lets this effervescence be awakened within you so it can flavor your life with joy.
Embrace the sweetness of life
like a gift of honeycomb from the hive.