Affirmation: “I embrace my sensitivity
and let it enhance my joy every day.”
Do you consider yourself a sensitive person? How sensitive? Are you the type of person who feels deeply every day? Are you the type of person who sometimes finds a bright, noisy environment overstimulating? Are you the type of person who feels connected to nature and beauty when things are peaceful?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are sensitive. And I’m betting you answered yes to at least one, because at heart we are all sensitive people. Every human is sensitive. Different factors in our lives may or may not have squeezed some of that sensitivity out of us. For better or worse, we live in a society that doesn’t always prize sensitivity; it might even consider it a weakness.
The truth is that being sensitive is an enormous strength. It takes courage and inner power to be unapologetically sensitive in a world that tells you to be tough, to acquire more, to race for better status, to look better. Standing in your power, exhibiting your sensitivity, and letting sensitivity translate into kindness, caring, and emotional connection with the world around you is highly courageous. It’s far more courageous than trying to hide the sensitive heart within you.
Being sensitive is a talent. You may have heard of the term a “sensitive.” A sensitive is an intuitive or psychic person and is in touch with their senses more deeply than the average person. A person with this particular quality receives more elevated emotional information.
Being sensitive is actually a superpower. Embracing your sensitivity is recognizing some major talents, skills, and unique propensities within you. Sensitivity can translate into a blissful life because loving your sensitive side increases your self-love. Self-love is a critical ingredient in a blissful life.
Exercise: How Sensitive Are You?
Use this quiz to determine how sensitive you are and how to use your sensitivity and your practical side to create your ultimate bliss.
1. When you hear about a disturbing news story, does it stick with you for days or even weeks?
A. Yes, all the time.
B. Yes, once in a while.
C. Not really, I’m pretty good at blocking that stuff out.
2. When you encounter a wild animal in nature, do you feel connected to it in the sense that you are confident about its state and any danger it may pose?
A. Sometimes I can tell based on its body language and the noises it is making.
B. If I see a wild animal that is potentially threatening, I always steer clear of it.
C. Yes, most of the time I can usually tell if it is safe to stay near the animal or not.
3. Have you been moved to awestruck tears by a piece of music or a painting?
A. Once or twice.
B. Oh yes, certain songs really get me!
C. Not really. I appreciate the arts though.
4. When a close friend or family member experiences a major life change, do you feel the emotional effects? Can you sense how they’re feeling?
A. Definitely. I share their happiness and tears.
B. I definitely understand where they are mentally and am able to respond appropriately, but I don’t let it affect my emotional state.
C. Sometimes I can really feel what they are feeling, and sometimes I just try to be there for them in whatever way is best.
5. When you witness a moment of great beauty, do you feel soaring joy in the center of your chest?
A. Not really.
B. I have felt that a few times before.
C. Yes, I know that feeling very well!
Answer Key
To score your test, add up your points.
1. A=3, B=2, C=1
2. A=2, B=1, C=3
3. A=2, B=3, C=1
4. A=3, B=1, C=2
5. A=1, B=2, C=3
5–8: The Pragmatist
You are very practical and logical. This is a great asset because you have really good boundaries. These boundaries keep you emotionally secure and safe and help you not be overly affected by others. If you wanted to work on something, it could be continuing to cultivate compassion. Finding the balance between pragmatism and caring will bring you ultimate bliss.
9–11: The Balancer
You are able to strike a reasonable balance between your head and heart. Although you are sensitive, you also have a logical and pragmatic side. This is a good way to be because you’re able to have great boundaries and yet also experience the heart-centered aspects of the world. Keep up the good work. Continue to walk the line of sensitivity and being grounded and you will keep living your joy!
12–15: The Sensitive
Being sensitive is a talent and asset. It’s important for you to remember this. Most likely you were born this way. Use your sensitivity and the intuition and emotional intelligence that it gives you to better your life. Find ways to harness this talent. At the same time, make sure you have great boundaries in place. It doesn’t enhance your bliss to get bummed out every time you see a sad commercial. Striking a balance between the day-to-day world and the world of feelings and emotions will bring you ultimate joy.
Being sensitive is a gift that fosters peace.
Help create a kinder, gentler world by embracing it.