87. Loving Life Guides

Affirmation: “My life guides offer me comfort, solace, joy, love,
and bliss. I gratefully accept it, as needed, for my highest good
and the highest good of all life.”

In the eternal world of nonphysical reality, there are loving, joyful, benevolent beings everywhere. And around each human being, there are many of these beings. Some of these beings or guides come into the human’s sphere for a period of time; some come for a specific purpose or specific thing with which they can help the person. And some of these guides commit to being with the person for their entire life. These are called life guides.

Your life guides chose to be with you as loving supporters, cheering you on for your entire life. They are always benevolent, always positive, and always for your highest good. They’re just wonderful helpers!

Because they spend your entire life with you, they really know you very well. And your health and happiness are one of their top priorities. Being a life guide is a job that these beings all love. They take it on when you incarnate, and they stay with you for your whole life. They meet you after you transition and guide you forward for your soul’s next adventure.

You might wonder what they get out of this deal. They get to know you! They get to help you. They get the experience of being a life guide. It gives them a unique opportunity to have that special experience, just like you get a unique and special experience by being human.

Life in both physical and nonphysical reality is about experience and joy. It’s all about love. Life guides are expert purveyors of love, and they love bliss!

Your life guides want you to feel as much bliss as possible. They want to shower you with joy. They want to encompass you with radiance. All you need to do is let them.

As you expand your perception to be aware of your life guides, you are able to take in and integrate more bliss and more joy. You’re able to feel more love. You are able to accept more support and nurturance from the heart of the universe.

Exercise: Meet Your Life Guides

Sit in a comfortable place and close your eyes for a few minutes. Let your mind quiet down. Disconnect from your smartphone put it outside the room. Turn off the television. Sit in silence, and let your mind wind down. It might take a few minutes. That is okay.

Do you need something to do or think about? If you can’t stop your thoughts, use a mantra. Pick one word, like “joy,” “love,” “bliss,” or “peace.” You can pick whatever word resonates for you and then repeat that word rhythmically and gently and in your mind to give your thoughts something to latch on to. Sit with your mantra or quiet thoughts for a few minutes.

Now that you are in a receptive space, with your eyes closed say aloud, “I now connect with my life guides for my highest good and the highest good of all life and in accordance with universal natural law, helping all and harming none.”

Allow yourself to feel your life guides gently entering the room and stepping forward. They are lined up in front of you. Invite them to step forward and introduce themselves one at a time. Start getting used to talking to them. You can do this aloud or with your mind. If you feel silly doing this, just give it a try and you might get used to it.

When guide number one steps forward, reach out your hand as if you are going to shake hands in slow motion. Feel that happen and say hello. The life guide will say hello back. Go through and do this one, two, or three more times.

You will sense how many guides are lined up to introduce themselves today.

You may have many more life guides than the ones who stepped forward today. They do not want to overwhelm you. You can meet them all in time.

You can address your life guides and talk to them about things that are going on in your life or things that you would like help with. You can also ask them if there’s anything that you can help them with. Being polite is appreciated in the spirit world, just like here, so always thank your guides. Show them love and kindness, and it will return manifold! Experience the bliss of connecting with your extended nonphysical family.

A benevolent universe of spirit helpers sits at the ready to support your unfolding joy. All you have to do is ask.
